2024 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code I25.112

Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery with refractory angina pectoris

ICD-10-CM Code:
ICD-10 Code for:
Athscl heart dis of native cor art with refract ang pctrs
Is Billable?
Yes - Valid for Submission
Chronic Condition Indicator: [1]
Code Navigator:

Code Classification

  • Diseases of the circulatory system
    • Ischemic heart diseases
      • Chronic ischemic heart disease

I25.112 is a billable diagnosis code used to specify a medical diagnosis of atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery with refractory angina pectoris. The code is valid during the current fiscal year for the submission of HIPAA-covered transactions from October 01, 2023 through September 30, 2024.

The code I25.112 is applicable to adult patients aged 15 through 124 years inclusive. It is clinically and virtually impossible to use this code on a patient outside the stated age range.

Clinical Classification

Revised 2024 ICD-10-CM Code

I25.112 was revised for the FY 2024, effective October 1, 2023.

Index to Diseases and Injuries References

The following annotation back-references for this diagnosis code are found in the injuries and diseases index. The Index to Diseases and Injuries is an alphabetical listing of medical terms, with each term mapped to one or more ICD-10-CM code(s).

Code Edits

The Medicare Code Editor (MCE) detects and reports errors in the coding of claims data. The following ICD-10-CM Code Edits are applicable to this code:

  • Adult diagnoses - The Medicare Code Editor detects inconsistencies in adult cases by checking a patient's age and any diagnosis on the patient's record. The adult code edits apply to patients age range is 15–124 years inclusive (e.g., senile delirium, mature cataract).

Replacement Code

I25112 replaces the following previously assigned ICD-10-CM code(s):

  • I25.110 - Athscl heart disease of native cor art w unstable ang pctrs
  • I25.111 - Athscl heart disease of native cor art w ang pctrs w spasm
  • I25.118 - Athscl heart disease of native cor art w oth ang pctrs

Code History

  • FY 2024 - Code Updated, effective from 10/1/2023 through 9/30/2024
    • New Description: Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery with refractory angina pectoris
    • Previous Description:
  • FY 2023 - Code Added, effective from 10/1/2022 through 9/30/2023


[1] Chronic - a chronic condition code indicates a condition lasting 12 months or longer and its effect on the patient based on one or both of the following criteria:

  • The condition results in the need for ongoing intervention with medical products,treatment, services, and special equipment
  • The condition places limitations on self-care, independent living, and social interactions.