2024 Benign Neoplasms ICD-10-CM Codes

List of 2024 Benign Neoplasms found in the ICD-10-CM Table of Neoplasms. The 137 codes in this list are used to specify benign neoplasms, which are typically tumors that once removed they never bother the patient again. Benign neoplasms may grow larger but do not spread to other parts of the body.

ICD CodeDescriptionCategoryApplicable To
D10.0Benign neoplasm of lipBenign neoplasm of mouth and pharynx (D10)Neoplasm, neoplasticlabial [See Also: Neoplasm, lip]; Neoplasm, neoplasticlip; Neoplasm, neoplasticlipcommissure; Neoplasm, neoplasticlipexternal; Neoplasm, neoplasticlipexternallower; Neoplasm, neoplasticlipexternalupper; Neoplasm, neoplasticlipinternal; Neoplasm, neoplasticlipinternallower; Neoplasm, neoplasticlipinternalupper; Neoplasm, neoplasticliplipstick area; Neoplasm, neoplasticliplipstic...
D10.1Benign neoplasm of tongueBenign neoplasm of mouth and pharynx (D10)Neoplasm, neoplasticfrenulum; Neoplasm, neoplasticfrenulumlinguae; Neoplasm, neoplasticlingual NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, tongue]; Neoplasm, neoplastictongue; Neoplasm, neoplastictongueanterior (two-thirds) NEC; Neoplasm, neoplastictongueanterior (two-thirds) NECdorsal surface; Neoplasm, neoplastictongueanterior (two-thirds) NECventral surface; Neoplasm, neoplastictonguebase (dorsal surface); Neopla...
D10.2Benign neoplasm of floor of mouthBenign neoplasm of mouth and pharynx (D10)Neoplasm, neoplasticmouthfloor; Neoplasm, neoplasticmouthflooranterior portion; Neoplasm, neoplasticmouthfloorlateral portion; Neoplasm, neoplasticsublingual
D10.30Benign neoplasm of unspecified part of mouthBenign neoplasm of mouth and pharynx (D10)Neoplasm, neoplasticcavity; Neoplasm, neoplasticcavitybuccal; Neoplasm, neoplasticcavityoral; Neoplasm, neoplasticmouth; Neoplasm, neoplasticoral (cavity); Neoplasm, neoplasticoral (cavity)ill-defined
D10.39Benign neoplasm of other parts of mouthBenign neoplasm of mouth and pharynx (D10)Neoplasm, neoplasticalveolar; Neoplasm, neoplasticalveolarmucosa; Neoplasm, neoplasticalveolarmucosalower; Neoplasm, neoplasticalveolarmucosaupper; Neoplasm, neoplasticalveolarridge or processmucosa; Neoplasm, neoplasticalveolarridge or processmucosalower; Neoplasm, neoplasticalveolarridge or processmucosaupper; Neoplasm, neoplasticalveolarsulcus; Neoplasm, neoplasticalveolus; Neoplasm, neoplastic...
D10.4Benign neoplasm of tonsilBenign neoplasm of mouth and pharynx (D10)Neoplasm, neoplasticfauces, faucial NECtonsil; Neoplasm, neoplastictonsil; Neoplasm, neoplastictonsilfauces, faucial; Neoplasm, neoplastictonsilpalatine
D10.5Benign neoplasm of other parts of oropharynxBenign neoplasm of mouth and pharynx (D10)Neoplasm, neoplasticbranchial (cleft) (cyst) (vestiges); Neoplasm, neoplasticcartilage (articular) (joint) NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, bone]epiglottisanterior surface; Neoplasm, neoplasticepiglottisanterior aspect or surface; Neoplasm, neoplasticepiglottisfree border (margin); Neoplasm, neoplasticepiglottisjunctional region; Neoplasm, neoplasticfauces, faucial NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticfauces, faucial...
D10.6Benign neoplasm of nasopharynxBenign neoplasm of mouth and pharynx (D10)Neoplasm, neoplasticadenoid (pharynx) (tissue); Neoplasm, neoplasticauditorytubeopening; Neoplasm, neoplasticchoana; Neoplasm, neoplasticfornix; Neoplasm, neoplasticfornixpharyngeal; Neoplasm, neoplasticfossa (of)Rosenmuller; Neoplasm, neoplasticnasopharynx, nasopharyngeal; Neoplasm, neoplasticnasopharynx, nasopharyngealfloor; Neoplasm, neoplasticnasopharynx, nasopharyngealroof; Neoplasm, neoplast...
D10.7Benign neoplasm of hypopharynxBenign neoplasm of mouth and pharynx (D10)Neoplasm, neoplasticaryepiglottic fold; Neoplasm, neoplasticaryepiglottic foldhypopharyngeal aspect; Neoplasm, neoplasticaryepiglottic foldmarginal zone; Neoplasm, neoplasticcricoid; Neoplasm, neoplasticcricopharynx; Neoplasm, neoplasticfossa (of)piriform; Neoplasm, neoplasticfossa (of)pyriform; Neoplasm, neoplastichypopharynx, hypopharyngeal NEC; Neoplasm, neoplastichypopharynx, hypopharyngeal NE...
D10.9Benign neoplasm of pharynx, unspecifiedBenign neoplasm of mouth and pharynx (D10)Neoplasm, neoplasticpharynx, pharyngeal; Neoplasm, neoplasticpharynx, pharyngealregion; Neoplasm, neoplasticpharynx, pharyngealwall (lateral) (posterior); Neoplasm, neoplasticretropharyngeal; Neoplasm, neoplasticthroat; Neoplasm, neoplasticWaldeyer's ring
D11.0Benign neoplasm of parotid glandBenign neoplasm of major salivary glands (D11)Neoplasm, neoplasticparotid (duct) (gland); Neoplasm, neoplasticsalivary gland or duct (major)parotid; Neoplasm, neoplasticStensen's duct
D11.7Benign neoplasm of other major salivary glandsBenign neoplasm of major salivary glands (D11)Neoplasm, neoplasticsalivary gland or duct (major)sublingual; Neoplasm, neoplasticsalivary gland or duct (major)submandibular; Neoplasm, neoplasticsalivary gland or duct (major)submaxillary; Neoplasm, neoplasticsublingualgland or duct; Neoplasm, neoplasticsubmandibular gland; Neoplasm, neoplasticsubmaxillary gland or duct; Neoplasm, neoplasticWharton's duct
D11.9Benign neoplasm of major salivary gland, unspecifiedBenign neoplasm of major salivary glands (D11)Neoplasm, neoplasticsalivary gland or duct (major); Neoplasm, neoplasticsalivary gland or duct (major)pluriglandular
D12.0Benign neoplasm of cecumBenign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal (D12)Neoplasm, neoplasticcaput coli; Neoplasm, neoplasticcecum; Neoplasm, neoplasticileocecum, ileocecal (coil) (junction) (valve); Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinallargecaput coli; Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinallargececum; Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinallargecoloncaput; Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinallargeileocecum, ileocecal (coil) (valve); Neoplasm, neoplasticj...
D12.1Benign neoplasm of appendixBenign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal (D12)Neoplasm, neoplasticappendix; Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinallargeappendix
D12.2Benign neoplasm of ascending colonBenign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal (D12)Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinallargecolonascending; Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinallargecolonright
D12.3Benign neoplasm of transverse colonBenign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal (D12)Neoplasm, neoplastichepatic [See Also: Index to disease, by histology]flexure (colon); Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinallargecolontransverse; Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinallargehepatic flexure; Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinallargesplenic flexure; Neoplasm, neoplasticspleen, splenic NECflexure (colon)
D12.4Benign neoplasm of descending colonBenign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal (D12)Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinallargecolondescending; Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinallargecolondistal; Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinallargecolonleft
D12.5Benign neoplasm of sigmoid colonBenign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal (D12)Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinallargecolonpelvic; Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinallargecolonsigmoid (flexure); Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinallargesigmoid flexure (lower) (upper); Neoplasm, neoplasticsigmoid flexure (lower) (upper)
D12.6Benign neoplasm of colon, unspecifiedBenign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal (D12)Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinallarge; Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinallargecolon
D12.7Benign neoplasm of rectosigmoid junctionBenign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal (D12)Neoplasm, neoplasticcolon [See Also: Neoplasm, intestine, large]with rectum; Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinallargecolonand rectum; Neoplasm, neoplasticjunctionpelvirectal; Neoplasm, neoplasticjunctionrectosigmoid; Neoplasm, neoplasticpelvirectal junction; Neoplasm, neoplasticrectosigmoid (junction); Neoplasm, neoplasticrectum (ampulla)and colon
D12.8Benign neoplasm of rectumBenign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal (D12)Neoplasm, neoplasticrectum (ampulla)
D12.9Benign neoplasm of anus and anal canalBenign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal (D12)Neoplasm, neoplasticanorectum, anorectal (junction); Neoplasm, neoplasticanus, anal; Neoplasm, neoplasticanus, analcanal; Neoplasm, neoplasticanus, analcloacogenic zone; Neoplasm, neoplasticanus, analsphincter; Neoplasm, neoplasticcanal; Neoplasm, neoplasticcanalanal; Neoplasm, neoplasticcloacogenic zone; Neoplasm, neoplasticcrypt of Morgagni; Neoplasm, neoplastichemorrhoidal zone; Neoplasm, neopl...
D13.0Benign neoplasm of esophagusBenign neoplasm of and ill-defined parts of digestive system (D13)Neoplasm, neoplasticesophagus; Neoplasm, neoplasticesophagusabdominal; Neoplasm, neoplasticesophaguscervical; Neoplasm, neoplasticesophagusdistal (third); Neoplasm, neoplasticesophaguslower (third); Neoplasm, neoplasticesophagusmiddle (third); Neoplasm, neoplasticesophagusproximal (third); Neoplasm, neoplasticesophagusthoracic; Neoplasm, neoplasticesophagusupper (third)
D13.1Benign neoplasm of stomachBenign neoplasm of and ill-defined parts of digestive system (D13)Neoplasm, neoplasticantrum (Highmore) (maxillary)pyloric; Neoplasm, neoplasticcardia (gastric); Neoplasm, neoplasticcardiac orifice (stomach); Neoplasm, neoplasticcardio-esophageal junction; Neoplasm, neoplasticcardio-esophagus; Neoplasm, neoplasticcorpusgastric; Neoplasm, neoplasticesophagogastric junction; Neoplasm, neoplasticfundus; Neoplasm, neoplasticfundusstomach; Neoplasm, neoplasticgastroe...
D13.2Benign neoplasm of duodenumBenign neoplasm of and ill-defined parts of digestive system (D13)Neoplasm, neoplasticduodenum; Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinalsmallduodenum
D13.30Benign neoplasm of unspecified part of small intestineBenign neoplasm of and ill-defined parts of digestive system (D13)Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinalsmall
D13.39Benign neoplasm of other parts of small intestineBenign neoplasm of and ill-defined parts of digestive system (D13)Neoplasm, neoplasticduodenojejunal junction; Neoplasm, neoplasticileum; Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinalsmallileum; Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinalsmalljejunum; Neoplasm, neoplasticjejunum; Neoplasm, neoplasticMeckel diverticulum, malignant
D13.4Benign neoplasm of liverBenign neoplasm of and ill-defined parts of digestive system (D13)Neoplasm, neoplasticbile or biliary (tract)canaliculi (biliferi) (intrahepatic); Neoplasm, neoplasticbile or biliary (tract)canals, interlobular; Neoplasm, neoplasticbile or biliary (tract)duct or passage (common) (cystic) (extrahepatic)interlobular; Neoplasm, neoplasticbile or biliary (tract)duct or passage (common) (cystic) (extrahepatic)intrahepatic; Neoplasm, neoplasticcanaliculi, biliary (bil...
D13.5Benign neoplasm of extrahepatic bile ductsBenign neoplasm of and ill-defined parts of digestive system (D13)Neoplasm, neoplasticampulla of Vater; Neoplasm, neoplasticbile or biliary (tract); Neoplasm, neoplasticbile or biliary (tract)duct or passage (common) (cystic) (extrahepatic); Neoplasm, neoplasticbile or biliary (tract)duct or passage (common) (cystic) (extrahepatic)intrahepaticand extrahepatic; Neoplasm, neoplasticcholedochal duct; Neoplasm, neoplasticcommon (bile) duct; Neoplasm, neoplasticcysti...
D13.6Benign neoplasm of pancreasBenign neoplasm of and ill-defined parts of digestive system (D13)Neoplasm, neoplasticpancreas; Neoplasm, neoplasticpancreasbody; Neoplasm, neoplasticpancreasduct (of Santorini) (of Wirsung); Neoplasm, neoplasticpancreasectopic tissue; Neoplasm, neoplasticpancreashead; Neoplasm, neoplasticpancreasneck; Neoplasm, neoplasticpancreastail; Neoplasm, neoplasticSantorini's duct; Neoplasm, neoplasticWirsung's duct
D13.7Benign neoplasm of endocrine pancreasBenign neoplasm of and ill-defined parts of digestive system (D13)Neoplasm, neoplasticinsular tissue (pancreas); Neoplasm, neoplasticislands or islets of Langerhans; Neoplasm, neoplasticLangerhans, islands or islets; Neoplasm, neoplasticpancreasislet cells
D13.99Benign neoplasm of ill-defined sites within the digestive systemBenign neoplasm of and ill-defined parts of digestive system (D13)Neoplasm, neoplasticalimentary canal or tract NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticdigestive organs, system, tube, or tract NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticgastrocolic; Neoplasm, neoplasticgastrointestinal (tract) NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinal; Neoplasm, neoplasticintestine, intestinaltract NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticspleen, splenic NEC
D14.0Benign neoplasm of middle ear, nasal cavity and accessory sinusesBenign neoplasm of middle ear and respiratory system (D14)Neoplasm, neoplasticantrum (Highmore) (maxillary); Neoplasm, neoplasticantrum (Highmore) (maxillary)tympanicum; Neoplasm, neoplasticauditorycanal (external) (skin)internal; Neoplasm, neoplasticauditorytube; Neoplasm, neoplasticauricular canal (external) [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, ear]internal; Neoplasm, neoplasticcartilage (articular) (joint) NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, bone]nose, nasal; Neoplasm, ne...
D14.1Benign neoplasm of larynxBenign neoplasm of middle ear and respiratory system (D14)Neoplasm, neoplasticaryepiglottic foldlaryngeal aspect; Neoplasm, neoplasticarytenoid (cartilage); Neoplasm, neoplasticcartilage (articular) (joint) NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, bone]arytenoid; Neoplasm, neoplasticcartilage (articular) (joint) NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, bone]cricoid; Neoplasm, neoplasticcartilage (articular) (joint) NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, bone]cuneiform; Neoplasm, neoplasticcartilage ...
D14.2Benign neoplasm of tracheaBenign neoplasm of middle ear and respiratory system (D14)Neoplasm, neoplasticcartilage (articular) (joint) NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, bone]trachea; Neoplasm, neoplastictrachea (cartilage) (mucosa); Neoplasm, neoplastictracheobronchial; Neoplasm, neoplasticwindpipe
D14.3Benign neoplasm of bronchus and lungBenign neoplasm of middle ear and respiratory system (D14)Neoplasm, neoplasticbronchiogenic, bronchogenic (lung); Neoplasm, neoplasticbronchiole; Neoplasm, neoplasticbronchus; Neoplasm, neoplasticbronchuscarina; Neoplasm, neoplasticbronchuslower lobe of lung; Neoplasm, neoplasticbronchusmain; Neoplasm, neoplasticbronchusupper lobe of lung; Neoplasm, neoplasticcarina (bronchus); Neoplasm, neoplasticcartilage (articular) (joint) NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, bo...
D14.31Benign neoplasm of right bronchus and lungBenign neoplasm of middle ear and respiratory system (D14)Neoplasm, neoplasticbronchusmiddle lobe of lung; Neoplasm, neoplasticlungmiddle lobe
D14.4Benign neoplasm of respiratory system, unspecifiedBenign neoplasm of middle ear and respiratory system (D14)Neoplasm, neoplasticrespiratory; Neoplasm, neoplasticrespiratoryorgans or system NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticrespiratorytract NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticrespiratorytract NECupper
D15.0Benign neoplasm of thymusBenign neoplasm of other and unsp intrathoracic organs (D15)Neoplasm, neoplasticthymus (gland)
D15.1Benign neoplasm of heartBenign neoplasm of other and unsp intrathoracic organs (D15)Neoplasm, neoplasticatrium, cardiac; Neoplasm, neoplasticendocardium; Neoplasm, neoplasticepicardium; Neoplasm, neoplasticheart; Neoplasm, neoplasticmyocardium; Neoplasm, neoplasticmyopericardium; Neoplasm, neoplasticpericardium; Neoplasm, neoplasticventricle (cerebral) (floor) (lateral) (third)cardiac (left) (right)
D15.2Benign neoplasm of mediastinumBenign neoplasm of other and unsp intrathoracic organs (D15)Neoplasm, neoplasticmediastinum, mediastinal; Neoplasm, neoplasticmediastinum, mediastinalanterior; Neoplasm, neoplasticmediastinum, mediastinalposterior; Neoplasm, neoplasticsubsternal
D15.7Benign neoplasm of other specified intrathoracic organsBenign neoplasm of other and unsp intrathoracic organs (D15)Neoplasm, neoplasticintrathoracic (cavity) (organs)specified NEC
D15.9Benign neoplasm of intrathoracic organ, unspecifiedBenign neoplasm of other and unsp intrathoracic organs (D15)Neoplasm, neoplasticintrathoracic (cavity) (organs)
D16.0Benign neoplasm of scapula and long bones of upper limbBenign neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage (D16)Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)arm NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)elbow; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)forearm; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)humerus (any part); Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)limb NECupper (long bones); Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)radius (any part); Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)scapula (any part); Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (per...
D16.1Benign neoplasm of short bones of upper limbBenign neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage (D16)Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)carpus (any); Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)finger (any); Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)hand; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)limb NECupper (long bones)short bones; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)metacarpus (any); Neoplasm, neoplasticcarpus (any bone); Neoplasm, neoplasticmetacarpus (any bone); Neoplasm, neoplasticphalangeshand
D16.2Benign neoplasm of long bones of lower limbBenign neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage (D16)Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)femur (any part); Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)fibula (any part); Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)knee; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)leg NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)limb NEClower (long bones); Neoplasm, neoplasticcartilage (articular) (joint) NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, bone]semilunar (knee); Neoplasm, neoplasticfemur (any part);...
D16.3Benign neoplasm of short bones of lower limbBenign neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage (D16)Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)ankle; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)astragalus; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)calcaneus; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)cuboid; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)foot; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)heel; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)limb NEClower (long bones)short bones; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)metatarsus (any...
D16.4Benign neoplasm of bones of skull and faceBenign neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage (D16)Neoplasm, neoplasticalveolarridge or processupper; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)calvarium; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)clivus; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)cranial; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)ethmoid (labyrinth); Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)face; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)frontal; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)hyoid; Neoplasm, neoplasti...
D16.5Benign neoplasm of lower jaw boneBenign neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage (D16)Neoplasm, neoplasticalveolarridge or process; Neoplasm, neoplasticalveolarridge or processlower; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)jaw (lower); Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)mandible; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)maxilla, maxillary (superior)inferior; Neoplasm, neoplasticjawbone; Neoplasm, neoplasticjawbonelower; Neoplasm, neoplasticjoint NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, bone]temporomand...
D16.6Benign neoplasm of vertebral columnBenign neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage (D16)Neoplasm, neoplasticatlas; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)atlas; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)axis; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)back NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)intervertebral cartilage or disc; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)spine, spinal (column); Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)vertebra (column); Neoplasm, neoplasticcartilage (articular) (joint) N...
D16.7Benign neoplasm of ribs, sternum and clavicleBenign neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage (D16)Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)clavicle; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)costal cartilage; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)costovertebral joint; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)rib; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)sternum; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)xiphoid process; Neoplasm, neoplasticcartilage (articular) (joint) NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, bone]costal; Neoplasm,...
D16.8Benign neoplasm of pelvic bones, sacrum and coccyxBenign neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage (D16)Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)acetabulum; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)coccygeal vertebra; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)coccyx; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)hip; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)ilium; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)innominate; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)ischium; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)pelvic; Neoplasm, neoplasticbon...
D16.9Benign neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage, unspecifiedBenign neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage (D16)Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum); Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)cartilage NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)cuneiform; Neoplasm, neoplasticbone (periosteum)limb NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticcartilage (articular) (joint) NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, bone]; Neoplasm, neoplasticjoint NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, bone]; Neoplasm, neoplasticskeleton, skeletal NEC
D19.0Benign neoplasm of mesothelial tissue of pleuraBenign neoplasm of mesothelial tissue (D19)Neoplasm, neoplasticpleura, pleural (cavity); Neoplasm, neoplasticpleura, pleural (cavity)parietal; Neoplasm, neoplasticpleura, pleural (cavity)visceral
D20.0Benign neoplasm of soft tissue of retroperitoneumBenign neoplm of soft tissue of retroperiton and peritoneum (D20)Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECretroperitoneum; Neoplasm, neoplasticparanephric; Neoplasm, neoplasticperiadrenal (tissue); Neoplasm, neoplasticperinephric; Neoplasm, neoplasticperipancreatic; Neoplasm, neoplasticperirenal (tissue); Neoplasm, neoplasticretrocecal; Neoplasm, neoplasticretroperitoneal (space) (tissue); Neoplasm, neoplasticretroperitoneum
D20.1Benign neoplasm of soft tissue of peritoneumBenign neoplm of soft tissue of retroperiton and peritoneum (D20)Neoplasm, neoplasticcavityperitoneal; Neoplasm, neoplasticcul-de-sac (Douglas'); Neoplasm, neoplasticDouglas' cul-de-sac or pouch; Neoplasm, neoplasticmesentery, mesenteric; Neoplasm, neoplasticmesoappendix; Neoplasm, neoplasticmesocolon; Neoplasm, neoplasticomentum; Neoplasm, neoplasticperitoneum, peritoneal (cavity); Neoplasm, neoplasticperitoneum, peritoneal (cavity)parietal; Neoplasm, neoplast...
D21.0Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of head, face and neckOther benign neoplasms of connective and other soft tissue (D21)Neoplasm, neoplasticcarotid (artery); Neoplasm, neoplasticcartilage (articular) (joint) NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, bone]auricular; Neoplasm, neoplasticcartilage (articular) (joint) NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, bone]ear (external); Neoplasm, neoplasticcartilage (articular) (joint) NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, bone]eyelid; Neoplasm, neoplasticcartilage (articular) (joint) NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, bone]pinna; ...
D21.1Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of upper limb, including shoulderOther benign neoplasms of connective and other soft tissue (D21)Neoplasm, neoplasticaponeurosispalmar; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECantecubital fossa or space; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECarm; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECelbow; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECextremityupper; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECfinger; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECforearm; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECh...
D21.2Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of lower limb, including hipOther benign neoplasms of connective and other soft tissue (D21)Neoplasm, neoplasticaponeurosisplantar; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECankle; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECcalf; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECextremitylower; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECfoot; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECheel; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NEChip; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECknee; Neoplasm, neoplasticc...
D21.3Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of thoraxOther benign neoplasms of connective and other soft tissue (D21)Neoplasm, neoplasticaorta (thoracic); Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECaxilla; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECchest (wall); Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECdiaphragm; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECgreat vessels NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECinfraclavicular region; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECintrathoracic; Neoplasm, neoplasticconne...
D21.4Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of abdomenOther benign neoplasms of connective and other soft tissue (D21)Neoplasm, neoplasticabdomen, abdominalwall [See Also: Neoplasm, abdomen, wall, skin]connective tissue; Neoplasm, neoplasticaorta (thoracic)abdominal; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECabdomen; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECabdominal wall; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECgastric; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECgastrointestinal; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tis...
D21.5Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of pelvisOther benign neoplasms of connective and other soft tissue (D21)Neoplasm, neoplasticcoccygeal; Neoplasm, neoplasticcoccygealbody or glomus; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECbuttock; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECextrarectal; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECgluteal region; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECgroin; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECiliopsoas muscle; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECinguinal (canal...
D21.6Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of trunk, unspecifiedOther benign neoplasms of connective and other soft tissue (D21)Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECback; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECflank; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECpelvo-abdominal; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECtrunk
D21.9Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue, unspecifiedOther benign neoplasms of connective and other soft tissue (D21)Neoplasm, neoplasticadipose tissue [See Also: Neoplasm, connective tissue]; Neoplasm, neoplasticaponeurosis; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECextremity; Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NEClimb NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticlymph, lymphatic channel NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticlymph, lymphatic channel NECvessel [See Also: Neoplasm, connective tissue]
D23.0Other benign neoplasm of skin of lipOther benign neoplasms of skin (D23)Neoplasm, neoplasticlipskin (commissure) (lower) (upper); Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOSlip (lower) (upper)
D23.1Other benign neoplasm of skin of eyelid, including canthusOther benign neoplasms of skin (D23)Neoplasm, neoplasticcanthus (eye) (inner) (outer); Neoplasm, neoplasticlid (lower) (upper); Neoplasm, neoplasticmeibomian gland; Neoplasm, neoplasticpalpebra; Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOScanthus (eye) (inner) (outer); Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOSeyelid; Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOSlid (lower) (upper); Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOSpalpebra
D23.2Other benign neoplasm of skin of ear and external auricular canalOther benign neoplasms of skin (D23)Neoplasm, neoplasticauditory; Neoplasm, neoplasticauditorycanal (external) (skin); Neoplasm, neoplasticauricle, ear [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, ear]; Neoplasm, neoplasticauricular canal (external) [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, ear]; Neoplasm, neoplasticcanalauditory (external) [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, ear]; Neoplasm, neoplasticcanalauricular (external) [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, ear]; Neoplasm, neop...
D23.30Other benign neoplasm of skin of unspecified part of faceOther benign neoplasms of skin (D23)Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOSface NOS
D23.39Other benign neoplasm of skin of other parts of faceOther benign neoplasms of skin (D23)Neoplasm, neoplasticala nasi (external) [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, nose]; Neoplasm, neoplasticbrow; Neoplasm, neoplasticcheekexternal; Neoplasm, neoplasticchin; Neoplasm, neoplasticcolumnella [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, face]; Neoplasm, neoplasticeyebrow; Neoplasm, neoplasticforehead (skin); Neoplasm, neoplasticjawskin [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, face]; Neoplasm, neoplasticnasolabial groove [See Als...
D23.4Other benign neoplasm of skin of scalp and neckOther benign neoplasms of skin (D23)Neoplasm, neoplasticscalp; Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOScervical region [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, neck]; Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOShead NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, scalp]; Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOSneck; Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOSscalp; Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOSsupraclavicular region [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, neck]
D23.5Other benign neoplasm of skin of trunkOther benign neoplasms of skin (D23)Neoplasm, neoplasticabdomen, abdominalwall [See Also: Neoplasm, abdomen, wall, skin]; Neoplasm, neoplasticanus, analmargin [See Also: Neoplasm, anus, skin]; Neoplasm, neoplasticanus, analskin; Neoplasm, neoplasticaxilla, axillaryfold [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, trunk]; Neoplasm, neoplasticbreast (connective tissue) (glandular tissue) (soft parts)skin; Neoplasm, neoplasticnates [See Also: Neoplasm, ...
D23.6Other benign neoplasm of skin of upper limb, including shoulderOther benign neoplasms of skin (D23)Neoplasm, neoplasticnail [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, limb]finger [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, limb, upper]; Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOSantecubital space [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, limb, upper]; Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOSarm [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, limb, upper]; Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOSelbow [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, limb, upper]; Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOSfinger [See Also: Neoplasm, skin...
D23.7Other benign neoplasm of skin of lower limb, including hipOther benign neoplasms of skin (D23)Neoplasm, neoplasticnail [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, limb]toe [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, limb, lower]; Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOSankle [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, limb, lower]; Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOScalf [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, limb, lower]; Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOSfoot [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, limb, lower]; Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOSheel [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, limb, lower]; N...
D23.9Other benign neoplasm of skin, unspecifiedOther benign neoplasms of skin (D23)Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECskin (dermis) NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, by site]; Neoplasm, neoplasticnail [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, limb]; Neoplasm, neoplasticscar NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, skin, by site]; Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOS; Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOSlimb NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOSspecified sites NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticsudoriferous, sudoriparous gland, site uns...
D26.0Other benign neoplasm of cervix uteriOther benign neoplasms of uterus (D26)Neoplasm, neoplasticcervix (cervical) (uteri) (uterus); Neoplasm, neoplasticcervix (cervical) (uteri) (uterus)canal; Neoplasm, neoplasticcervix (cervical) (uteri) (uterus)endocervix (canal) (gland); Neoplasm, neoplasticcervix (cervical) (uteri) (uterus)exocervix; Neoplasm, neoplasticcervix (cervical) (uteri) (uterus)external os; Neoplasm, neoplasticcervix (cervical) (uteri) (uterus)internal os; Ne...
D26.1Other benign neoplasm of corpus uteriOther benign neoplasms of uterus (D26)Neoplasm, neoplasticcorpusuteri; Neoplasm, neoplasticcorpusuteriisthmus; Neoplasm, neoplasticendometrium (gland) (stroma); Neoplasm, neoplasticfundusuterus; Neoplasm, neoplasticisthmus uteri; Neoplasm, neoplasticmyometrium; Neoplasm, neoplasticstroma, endometrial; Neoplasm, neoplasticuterus, uteri, uterinebody; Neoplasm, neoplasticuterus, uteri, uterinecornu; Neoplasm, neoplasticuterus, uteri, ute...
D26.7Other benign neoplasm of other parts of uterusOther benign neoplasms of uterus (D26)Neoplasm, neoplasticfetal membrane; Neoplasm, neoplasticplacenta
D26.9Other benign neoplasm of uterus, unspecifiedOther benign neoplasms of uterus (D26)Neoplasm, neoplasticuterus, uteri, uterine
D28.0Benign neoplasm of vulvaBenign neoplasm of other and unsp female genital organs (D28)Neoplasm, neoplasticBartholin's gland; Neoplasm, neoplasticclitoris; Neoplasm, neoplasticfourchette; Neoplasm, neoplasticlabia (skin); Neoplasm, neoplasticlabia (skin)majora; Neoplasm, neoplasticlabia (skin)minora; Neoplasm, neoplasticlabium (skin); Neoplasm, neoplasticlabium (skin)majus; Neoplasm, neoplasticlabium (skin)minus; Neoplasm, neoplasticmons; Neoplasm, neoplasticmonspubis; Neoplasm, neo...
D28.1Benign neoplasm of vaginaBenign neoplasm of other and unsp female genital organs (D28)Neoplasm, neoplasticfornixvagina; Neoplasm, neoplasticGartner's duct; Neoplasm, neoplastichymen; Neoplasm, neoplasticvagina, vaginal (fornix) (vault) (wall)
D28.2Benign neoplasm of uterine tubes and ligamentsBenign neoplasm of other and unsp female genital organs (D28)Neoplasm, neoplasticbroad ligament; Neoplasm, neoplasticfallopian tube (accessory); Neoplasm, neoplasticligament [See Also: Neoplasm, connective tissue]; Neoplasm, neoplasticligament [See Also: Neoplasm, connective tissue]broad; Neoplasm, neoplasticligament [See Also: Neoplasm, connective tissue]round; Neoplasm, neoplasticligament [See Also: Neoplasm, connective tissue]sacro-uterine; Neoplasm, neo...
D28.7Benign neoplasm of other specified female genital organsBenign neoplasm of other and unsp female genital organs (D28)Neoplasm, neoplasticadnexa (uterine); Neoplasm, neoplasticgenital organ or tractfemale NECspecified site NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticligament [See Also: Neoplasm, connective tissue]Mackenrodt's; Neoplasm, neoplasticMackenrodt's ligament; Neoplasm, neoplasticMullerian duct; Neoplasm, neoplasticMullerian ductfemale; Neoplasm, neoplastictubo-ovarian; Neoplasm, neoplasticutero-ovarian; Neoplasm, neoplast...
D28.9Benign neoplasm of female genital organ, unspecifiedBenign neoplasm of other and unsp female genital organs (D28)Neoplasm, neoplasticgenital organ or tract; Neoplasm, neoplasticgenital organ or tractfemale NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticgenitourinary tract; Neoplasm, neoplasticgenitourinary tractfemale; Neoplasm, neoplasticseptumurethrovaginal; Neoplasm, neoplasticseptumvesicovaginal; Neoplasm, neoplasticurethrovaginal (septum); Neoplasm, neoplasticvaginovesical; Neoplasm, neoplasticvaginovesicalseptum; Neoplasm, ...
D29.0Benign neoplasm of penisBenign neoplasm of male genital organs (D29)Neoplasm, neoplasticcorpuscavernosum; Neoplasm, neoplasticcorpuspenis; Neoplasm, neoplasticforeskin; Neoplasm, neoplasticglans penis; Neoplasm, neoplasticpenis; Neoplasm, neoplasticpenisbody; Neoplasm, neoplasticpeniscorpus (cavernosum); Neoplasm, neoplasticpenisglans; Neoplasm, neoplasticpenisskin NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticprepuce; Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOSmale genital organspenis; Neoplasm, ne...
D29.1Benign neoplasm of prostateBenign neoplasm of male genital organs (D29)Neoplasm, neoplasticprostate (gland)
D29.2Benign neoplasm of testisBenign neoplasm of male genital organs (D29)Neoplasm, neoplastictestis, testes; Neoplasm, neoplastictestis, testesdescended; Neoplasm, neoplastictestis, testesectopic; Neoplasm, neoplastictestis, testesretained; Neoplasm, neoplastictestis, testesscrotal; Neoplasm, neoplastictestis, testesundescended; Neoplasm, neoplastictestis, testesunspecified whether descended or undescended
D29.3Benign neoplasm of epididymisBenign neoplasm of male genital organs (D29)Neoplasm, neoplasticepididymis
D29.4Benign neoplasm of scrotumBenign neoplasm of male genital organs (D29)Neoplasm, neoplasticscrotum (skin); Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOSmale genital organsscrotum; Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOSscrotum
D29.8Benign neoplasm of other specified male genital organsBenign neoplasm of male genital organs (D29)Neoplasm, neoplasticcord (true) (vocal)spermatic; Neoplasm, neoplasticejaculatory duct; Neoplasm, neoplasticgenital organ or tractmale NECspecified site NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticMullerian ductmale; Neoplasm, neoplasticseminal vesicle; Neoplasm, neoplasticspermatic cord; Neoplasm, neoplastictunica vaginalis; Neoplasm, neoplasticvas deferens; Neoplasm, neoplasticvesicle, seminal; Neoplasm, neoplasti...
D29.9Benign neoplasm of male genital organ, unspecifiedBenign neoplasm of male genital organs (D29)Neoplasm, neoplasticgenital organ or tractmale NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticgenitourinary tractmale; Neoplasm, neoplasticskin NOSmale genital organs
D30.0Benign neoplasm of kidneyBenign neoplasm of urinary organs (D30)Neoplasm, neoplastickidney (parenchymal); Neoplasm, neoplasticparenchyma, kidney; Neoplasm, neoplasticrenal; Neoplasm, neoplasticrenalparenchyma
D30.1Benign neoplasm of renal pelvisBenign neoplasm of urinary organs (D30)Neoplasm, neoplasticcalyx, renal; Neoplasm, neoplasticjunctionpelviureteric; Neoplasm, neoplastickidney (parenchymal)calyx; Neoplasm, neoplastickidney (parenchymal)hilus; Neoplasm, neoplastickidney (parenchymal)pelvis; Neoplasm, neoplasticpelvis, pelvicrenal; Neoplasm, neoplasticrenalcalyx; Neoplasm, neoplasticrenalhilus; Neoplasm, neoplasticrenalpelvis
D30.2Benign neoplasm of ureterBenign neoplasm of urinary organs (D30)Neoplasm, neoplasticureter, ureteral
D30.3Benign neoplasm of bladderBenign neoplasm of urinary organs (D30)Neoplasm, neoplasticbladder (urinary); Neoplasm, neoplasticbladder (urinary)dome; Neoplasm, neoplasticbladder (urinary)neck; Neoplasm, neoplasticbladder (urinary)orifice; Neoplasm, neoplasticbladder (urinary)orificeureteric; Neoplasm, neoplasticbladder (urinary)orificeurethral; Neoplasm, neoplasticbladder (urinary)sphincter; Neoplasm, neoplasticbladder (urinary)trigone; Neoplasm, neoplasticbladder...
D30.4Benign neoplasm of urethraBenign neoplasm of urinary organs (D30)Neoplasm, neoplasticbulbourethral gland; Neoplasm, neoplasticCowper's gland; Neoplasm, neoplasticprostate (gland)utricle; Neoplasm, neoplasticurethra, urethral (gland); Neoplasm, neoplasticutricle, prostatic
D30.8Benign neoplasm of other specified urinary organsBenign neoplasm of urinary organs (D30)Neoplasm, neoplasticparaurethralgland; Neoplasm, neoplasticSkene's gland; Neoplasm, neoplasticurinary organ or systemspecified sites NEC
D30.9Benign neoplasm of urinary organ, unspecifiedBenign neoplasm of urinary organs (D30)Neoplasm, neoplasticurinary organ or system
D31.0Benign neoplasm of conjunctivaBenign neoplasm of eye and adnexa (D31)Neoplasm, neoplasticconjunctiva
D31.1Benign neoplasm of corneaBenign neoplasm of eye and adnexa (D31)Neoplasm, neoplasticcornea (limbus); Neoplasm, neoplasticlimbus of cornea
D31.2Benign neoplasm of retinaBenign neoplasm of eye and adnexa (D31)Neoplasm, neoplasticretina
D31.3Benign neoplasm of choroidBenign neoplasm of eye and adnexa (D31)Neoplasm, neoplasticchoroid
D31.4Benign neoplasm of ciliary bodyBenign neoplasm of eye and adnexa (D31)Neoplasm, neoplasticciliary body; Neoplasm, neoplasticcrystalline lens; Neoplasm, neoplasticiris; Neoplasm, neoplasticlens, crystalline; Neoplasm, neoplasticsclera; Neoplasm, neoplasticuveal tract
D31.5Benign neoplasm of lacrimal gland and ductBenign neoplasm of eye and adnexa (D31)Neoplasm, neoplasticlacrimal; Neoplasm, neoplasticlacrimalcanaliculi; Neoplasm, neoplasticlacrimalduct (nasal); Neoplasm, neoplasticlacrimalgland; Neoplasm, neoplasticlacrimalpunctum; Neoplasm, neoplasticlacrimalsac; Neoplasm, neoplasticnasolacrimal duct
D31.6Benign neoplasm of unspecified site of orbitBenign neoplasm of eye and adnexa (D31)Neoplasm, neoplasticconnective tissue NECorbit; Neoplasm, neoplasticextraocular muscle; Neoplasm, neoplasticintraorbital; Neoplasm, neoplasticmuscle [See Also: Neoplasm, connective tissue]; Neoplasm, neoplasticmuscle [See Also: Neoplasm, connective tissue]extraocular; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECorbit; Neoplasm, neoplasticorbit; Neoplasm, neoplasticorbitautonomic nerve; Neopl...
D31.9Benign neoplasm of unspecified part of eyeBenign neoplasm of eye and adnexa (D31)Neoplasm, neoplasticeye NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticeyeball; Neoplasm, neoplasticintraocular
D32.0Benign neoplasm of cerebral meningesBenign neoplasm of meninges (D32)Neoplasm, neoplasticarachnoidcerebral; Neoplasm, neoplasticbrain NECmeninges; Neoplasm, neoplasticcerebrum, cerebra (cortex) (hemisphere) (white matter)meninges; Neoplasm, neoplasticcranial (fossa, any)meninges; Neoplasm, neoplasticdura (cranial) (mater)cerebral; Neoplasm, neoplasticfalx (cerebella) (cerebri); Neoplasm, neoplasticmeningesbrain; Neoplasm, neoplasticmeningescerebral; Neoplasm, neopl...
D32.1Benign neoplasm of spinal meningesBenign neoplasm of meninges (D32)Neoplasm, neoplasticarachnoidspinal; Neoplasm, neoplasticdura (cranial) (mater)spinal; Neoplasm, neoplasticmeningesspinal (cord); Neoplasm, neoplasticpia materspinal; Neoplasm, neoplasticspine, spinal (column)dura mater; Neoplasm, neoplasticspine, spinal (column)membrane; Neoplasm, neoplasticspine, spinal (column)meninges; Neoplasm, neoplasticspine, spinal (column)pia mater
D32.9Benign neoplasm of meninges, unspecifiedBenign neoplasm of meninges (D32)Neoplasm, neoplasticarachnoid; Neoplasm, neoplasticdura (cranial) (mater); Neoplasm, neoplasticmeninges; Neoplasm, neoplasticpia mater; Neoplasm, neoplasticsubdural
D33.0Benign neoplasm of brain, supratentorialBenign neoplasm of brain and oth prt central nervous system (D33)Neoplasm, neoplasticbasal ganglia; Neoplasm, neoplasticbrain NECbasal ganglia; Neoplasm, neoplasticbrain NECcerebrum; Neoplasm, neoplasticbrain NECcorpus striatum; Neoplasm, neoplasticbrain NECcortex (cerebral); Neoplasm, neoplasticbrain NECfrontal lobe; Neoplasm, neoplasticbrain NECglobus pallidus; Neoplasm, neoplasticbrain NEChippocampus; Neoplasm, neoplasticbrain NEChypothalamus; Neoplasm, neop...
D33.1Benign neoplasm of brain, infratentorialBenign neoplasm of brain and oth prt central nervous system (D33)Neoplasm, neoplasticbasis pedunculi; Neoplasm, neoplasticbrain NECcerebellopontine angle; Neoplasm, neoplasticbrain NECcerebellum NOS; Neoplasm, neoplasticbrain NECchoroid plexus; Neoplasm, neoplasticbrain NECmedulla oblongata; Neoplasm, neoplasticbrain NECmidbrain; Neoplasm, neoplasticbrain NECpeduncle; Neoplasm, neoplasticbrain NECpons; Neoplasm, neoplasticbrain NECstem; Neoplasm, neoplasticbrai...
D33.2Benign neoplasm of brain, unspecifiedBenign neoplasm of brain and oth prt central nervous system (D33)Neoplasm, neoplasticbrain NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticbrain NECcorpus callosum; Neoplasm, neoplasticbrain NECtapetum; Neoplasm, neoplasticcorpuscallosum, brain; Neoplasm, neoplasticcranial (fossa, any); Neoplasm, neoplasticfossa (of); Neoplasm, neoplasticfossa (of)anterior (cranial); Neoplasm, neoplasticfossa (of)cranial; Neoplasm, neoplasticfossa (of)middle (cranial); Neoplasm, neoplasticfossa (of)p...
D33.3Benign neoplasm of cranial nervesBenign neoplasm of brain and oth prt central nervous system (D33)Neoplasm, neoplasticacoustic nerve; Neoplasm, neoplasticauditorynerve; Neoplasm, neoplasticchiasma opticum; Neoplasm, neoplasticcranial (fossa, any)nerve; Neoplasm, neoplasticcranial (fossa, any)nervespecified NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticganglia [See Also: Neoplasm, nerve, peripheral]cranial nerve; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)abducens; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)accessory (spinal); N...
D33.4Benign neoplasm of spinal cordBenign neoplasm of brain and oth prt central nervous system (D33)Neoplasm, neoplasticcauda equina; Neoplasm, neoplasticconus medullaris; Neoplasm, neoplasticcord (true) (vocal)spinal (cervical) (lumbar) (thoracic); Neoplasm, neoplasticfilum terminale; Neoplasm, neoplasticmotor tractcauda equina; Neoplasm, neoplasticmotor tractspinal; Neoplasm, neoplasticspine, spinal (column)cord (cervical) (lumbar) (sacral) (thoracic)
D33.7Benign neoplasm of other specified parts of central nervous systemBenign neoplasm of brain and oth prt central nervous system (D33)Neoplasm, neoplasticnervous system (central)specified site NEC
D33.9Benign neoplasm of central nervous system, unspecifiedBenign neoplasm of brain and oth prt central nervous system (D33)Neoplasm, neoplasticepidural; Neoplasm, neoplasticextradural; Neoplasm, neoplasticmotor tract; Neoplasm, neoplasticnervous system (central); Neoplasm, neoplasticparasellar
D34Benign neoplasm of thyroid glandBenign neoplasm of thyroid gland (D34)Neoplasm, neoplasticthyroglossal duct; Neoplasm, neoplasticthyroid (gland)
D35.0Benign neoplasm of adrenal glandBenign neoplasm of other and unspecified endocrine glands (D35)Neoplasm, neoplasticadrenal; Neoplasm, neoplasticadrenalcapsule; Neoplasm, neoplasticadrenalcortex; Neoplasm, neoplasticadrenalgland; Neoplasm, neoplasticadrenalmedulla; Neoplasm, neoplasticcortex; Neoplasm, neoplasticcortexadrenal; Neoplasm, neoplasticmedulla; Neoplasm, neoplasticmedullaadrenal; Neoplasm, neoplasticsuprarenal; Neoplasm, neoplasticsuprarenalcapsule; Neoplasm, neoplasticsuprarenalc...
D35.1Benign neoplasm of parathyroid glandBenign neoplasm of other and unspecified endocrine glands (D35)Neoplasm, neoplasticparathyroid (gland)
D35.2Benign neoplasm of pituitary glandBenign neoplasm of other and unspecified endocrine glands (D35)Neoplasm, neoplasticcraniobuccal pouch; Neoplasm, neoplasticfossa (of)pituitary; Neoplasm, neoplastichypophysis; Neoplasm, neoplasticintrasellar; Neoplasm, neoplasticpituitary (body) (fossa) (gland) (lobe); Neoplasm, neoplasticRathke's pouch; Neoplasm, neoplasticsella turcica
D35.3Benign neoplasm of craniopharyngeal ductBenign neoplasm of other and unspecified endocrine glands (D35)Neoplasm, neoplasticcraniopharyngeal (duct) (pouch)
D35.4Benign neoplasm of pineal glandBenign neoplasm of other and unspecified endocrine glands (D35)Neoplasm, neoplasticpineal (body) (gland)
D35.5Benign neoplasm of carotid bodyBenign neoplasm of other and unspecified endocrine glands (D35)Neoplasm, neoplasticcarotid (artery)body
D35.6Benign neoplasm of aortic body and other paragangliaBenign neoplasm of other and unspecified endocrine glands (D35)Neoplasm, neoplasticaortic body; Neoplasm, neoplasticglomusjugularis; Neoplasm, neoplasticorgan of Zuckerkandl; Neoplasm, neoplasticpara-aortic body; Neoplasm, neoplasticparaganglion NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticZuckerkandl organ
D35.7Benign neoplasm of other specified endocrine glandsBenign neoplasm of other and unspecified endocrine glands (D35)Neoplasm, neoplasticendocrine gland NECpluriglandular; Neoplasm, neoplasticpluriendocrine
D35.9Benign neoplasm of endocrine gland, unspecifiedBenign neoplasm of other and unspecified endocrine glands (D35)Neoplasm, neoplasticendocrine gland NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticgland, glandular (lymphatic) (system) [See Also: Neoplasm, lymph gland]; Neoplasm, neoplasticgland, glandular (lymphatic) (system) [See Also: Neoplasm, lymph gland]endocrine NEC
D36.0Benign neoplasm of lymph nodesBenign neoplasm of other and unspecified sites (D36)Neoplasm, neoplasticlymph, lymphatic channel NECgland (secondary); Neoplasm, neoplasticlymph, lymphatic channel NECgland (secondary)abdominal; Neoplasm, neoplasticlymph, lymphatic channel NECgland (secondary)aortic; Neoplasm, neoplasticlymph, lymphatic channel NECgland (secondary)arm; Neoplasm, neoplasticlymph, lymphatic channel NECgland (secondary)auricular (anterior) (posterior); Neoplasm, neopl...
D36.10Benign neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system, unspecifiedBenign neoplasm of other and unspecified sites (D36)Neoplasm, neoplasticganglia [See Also: Neoplasm, nerve, peripheral]; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion); Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)autonomic NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, nerve, peripheral]; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)ganglion NEC [See Also: Neoplasm, nerve, peripheral]; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)parasympathetic NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NEC; Neo...
D36.11Benign neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of face, head, and neckBenign neoplasm of other and unspecified sites (D36)Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECauricle (ear); Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECcervical region; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECcheek; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECchin; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECear (external); Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECeyelid; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (gang...
D36.12Benign neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system, upper limb, including shoulderBenign neoplasm of other and unspecified sites (D36)Neoplasm, neoplasticbrachial plexus; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)brachial; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)median; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECantecubital fossa or space; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECarm; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECaxilla; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECelbow; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve...
D36.13Benign neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of lower limb, including hipBenign neoplasm of other and unspecified sites (D36)Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)femoral; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)obturator; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECankle; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECcalf; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECextremitylower; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECfoot; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECheel; Neoplasm, neoplas...
D36.14Benign neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of thoraxBenign neoplasm of other and unspecified sites (D36)Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)intercostal; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECchest (wall); Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECinfraclavicular region; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECintrathoracic; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECscapular region; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECthoracic (duct) (wall); Neoplas...
D36.15Benign neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of abdomenBenign neoplasm of other and unspecified sites (D36)Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECabdomen; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECabdominal wall; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECumbilicus
D36.16Benign neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of pelvisBenign neoplasm of other and unspecified sites (D36)Neoplasm, neoplasticlumbosacral plexus; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECbuttock; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECextrarectal; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECgluteal region; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECgroin; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECinguinal (canal) (region); Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)pe...
D36.17Benign neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of trunk, unspecifiedBenign neoplasm of other and unspecified sites (D36)Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)lumbar; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECback; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECflank; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECpelvoabdominal; Neoplasm, neoplasticnerve (ganglion)peripheral NECtrunk
D36.7Benign neoplasm of other specified sitesBenign neoplasm of other and unspecified sites (D36)Neoplasm, neoplasticabdomen, abdominal; Neoplasm, neoplasticabdomen, abdominalcavity; Neoplasm, neoplasticabdomen, abdominalorgan; Neoplasm, neoplasticabdomen, abdominalviscera; Neoplasm, neoplasticabdominopelvic; Neoplasm, neoplasticankle NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticantecubital fossa or space; Neoplasm, neoplasticarm NEC; Neoplasm, neoplasticaxilla, axillary; Neoplasm, neoplasticback NEC; Neoplasm, ...
D36.9Benign neoplasm, unspecified siteBenign neoplasm of other and unspecified sites (D36)Neoplasm, neoplasticunknown site or unspecified