Persons encountering health services in other circumstances (Z76)

Browse all the diagnosis codes used for persons encountering health services in other circumstances (z76). For easy navigation, the diagnosis codes are sorted in alphabetical order and grouped by sections. Each section is clearly marked with its description, and the corresponding three-digit code range. This format makes it simple to browse diagnosis codes in this chapter or section and find what you're looking for. We've also added green checkmark icons to label billable codes, and red warning icons for non-billable ones. This makes it easy to identify which codes can be billed.

Clinical Information

Air Travel - Travel by means of an airplane, helicopter, or balloon.

Dimenhydrinate - A drug combination that contains diphenhydramine and theophylline. It is used for treating VERTIGO, MOTION SICKNESS, and NAUSEA associated with PREGNANCY.

Malingering - Simulation of symptoms of illness or injury with intent to deceive in order to obtain a goal, e.g., a claim of physical illness to avoid jury duty.

Quarantine - Limited freedom of movement of individuals to reduce the risk of spread of communicable disease by those who have been exposed to infectious or communicable disease in order to prevent its spread; a period of detention of vessels, vehicles, or travelers coming from infected or suspected places; and detention or isolation on account of suspected contagion. It includes government regulations on travel restrictions, border security measures to mitigate spread of a contagion and the detention of animals at frontiers or ports of entrance for the prevention of infectious disease. (From Black's Veterinary Dictionary, 17th ed)

Records - Works on authentic evidence, of something having legal importance. The concept includes certificates of birth, death, etc., as well as hospital, medical, and other institutional records.

Space Flight - Travel beyond the earth's atmosphere.

Travel - MOVEMENT across different GEOGRAPHIC LOCATIONS.

Travel Medicine - Multidisciplinary field focusing on prevention of infectious diseases and patient safety during international TRAVEL. Key element of patient's pre-travel visit to the physician is a health risk assessment.

Travel Nursing - A type of nursing practice involving licensed professional nurses who travel to work in temporary nursing positions.

Travel-Related Illness - Health problems associated with TRAVEL.