Other obstetric trauma (O71)

Browse all the diagnosis codes used for other obstetric trauma (o71). For easy navigation, the diagnosis codes are sorted in alphabetical order and grouped by sections. Each section is clearly marked with its description, and the corresponding three-digit code range. This format makes it simple to browse diagnosis codes in this chapter or section and find what you're looking for. We've also added green checkmark icons to label billable codes, and red warning icons for non-billable ones. This makes it easy to identify which codes can be billed.

Clinical Information

Postpartum Hemorrhage - Excess blood loss from uterine bleeding associated with OBSTETRIC LABOR or CHILDBIRTH. It is defined as blood loss greater than 500 ml or of the amount that adversely affects the maternal physiology, such as BLOOD PRESSURE and HEMATOCRIT. Postpartum hemorrhage is divided into two categories, immediate (within first 24 hours after birth) or delayed (after 24 hours postpartum).

Uterine Inversion - A complication of OBSTETRIC LABOR in which the corpus of the UTERUS is forced completely or partially through the UTERINE CERVIX. This can occur during the late stages of labor and is associated with IMMEDIATE POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE.

Instructional Notations


This note appears immediately under a three character code title to further define, or give examples of, the content of the category.

  • obstetric damage from instruments