ICD-10-CM Tetany (due to) References

"Tetany (due to)" Annotation Back-References in the ICD-10-CM Index to Diseases and Injuries

Browse the ICD-10-CM codes with references applicable to the clinical term "tetany (due to)"

  • Tetany (due to) - R29.0 Tetany
    • alkalosis - E87.3 Alkalosis
    • associated with rickets - E55.0 Rickets, active
    • convulsions - R29.0 Tetany
      • hysterical - F44.5 Conversion disorder with seizures or convulsions
    • functional (hysterical) - F44.5 Conversion disorder with seizures or convulsions
    • hyperkinetic - R29.0 Tetany
      • hysterical - F44.5 Conversion disorder with seizures or convulsions
    • hyperpnea - R06.4 Hyperventilation
      • hysterical - F44.5 Conversion disorder with seizures or convulsions
      • psychogenic - F45.8 Other somatoform disorders
    • hyperventilation - See Also: Hyperventilation; - R06.4 Hyperventilation
      • hysterical - F44.5 Conversion disorder with seizures or convulsions
    • neonatal (without calcium or magnesium deficiency) - P71.3 Neonatal tetany without calcium or magnesium deficiency
    • parathyroid (gland) - E20.9 Hypoparathyroidism, unspecified
    • parathyroprival - E89.2 Postprocedural hypoparathyroidism
    • post- (para)thyroidectomy - E89.2 Postprocedural hypoparathyroidism
    • postoperative - E89.2 Postprocedural hypoparathyroidism
    • pseudotetany - R29.0 Tetany
    • psychogenic (conversion reaction) - F44.5 Conversion disorder with seizures or convulsions

Applicable Clinical Terms Definitions

Alkalosis: A pathological condition that removes acid or adds base to the body fluids.

Hyperventilation: A pulmonary ventilation rate faster than is metabolically necessary for the exchange of gases. It is the result of an increased frequency of breathing, an increased tidal volume, or a combination of both. It causes an excess intake of oxygen and the blowing off of carbon dioxide.