ICD-10-CM Risk References

"Risk" Annotation Back-References in the ICD-10-CM Index to Diseases and Injuries

Browse the ICD-10-CM codes with references applicable to the clinical term "risk"

  • Risk
    • for
      • dental caries - Z91.849 Unspecified risk for dental caries
        • high - Z91.843 Risk for dental caries, high
        • low - Z91.841 Risk for dental caries, low
        • moderate - Z91.842 Risk for dental caries, moderate
      • homelessness, imminent - Z59.811 Housing instability, housed, with risk of homelessness
      • suffocation (smothering) under another while sleeping - Z72.823 Risk of suffocation (smothering) under another while sleeping
    • suicidal
      • meaning personal history of attempted suicide - Z91.51 Personal history of suicidal behavior
      • meaning suicidal ideation - See: Ideation, suicidal;