ICD-10-CM Neonatal References

"Neonatal" Annotation Back-References in the ICD-10-CM Index to Diseases and Injuries

Browse the ICD-10-CM codes with references applicable to the clinical term "neonatal"

  • Neonatal - See Also: Newborn;
    • acne - L70.4 Infantile acne
    • bradycardia - P29.12 Neonatal bradycardia
    • screening, abnormal findings on - See: Abnormal, neonatal screening;
    • tachycardia - P29.11 Neonatal tachycardia
    • tooth, teeth - K00.6 Disturbances in tooth eruption

Applicable Clinical Terms Definitions

Bradycardia: Cardiac arrhythmias that are characterized by excessively slow HEART RATE, usually below 50 beats per minute in human adults. They can be classified broadly into SINOATRIAL NODE dysfunction and ATRIOVENTRICULAR BLOCK.

Tachycardia: Abnormally rapid heartbeat, usually with a HEART RATE above 100 beats per minute for adults. Tachycardia accompanied by disturbance in the cardiac depolarization (cardiac arrhythmia) is called tachyarrhythmia.