ICD-9 Search Results for: 521.0

ICD-9 CodeDescriptionCategory
521.00Dental caries, unspecified521 Diseases of hard tissues of teeth
521.01Dental caries limited to enamel521 Diseases of hard tissues of teeth
521.02Dental caries extending into dentine521 Diseases of hard tissues of teeth
521.03Dental caries extending into pulp521 Diseases of hard tissues of teeth
521.04Arrested dental caries521 Diseases of hard tissues of teeth
521.05Odontoclasia521 Diseases of hard tissues of teeth
521.06Dental caries pit and fissure521 Diseases of hard tissues of teeth
521.07Dental caries of smooth surface521 Diseases of hard tissues of teeth
521.08Dental caries of root surface521 Diseases of hard tissues of teeth
521.09Other dental caries521 Diseases of hard tissues of teeth