ICD-10 Search Results for encounter-for-full-term-uncomplicated-delivery-o80

ICD-10-CM CodeDescriptionCategoryValid for Submission
O80Encounter for full-term uncomplicated delivery
Fully effaced cervix; Term birth of identical twins, both living; Term birth of multiple newborns; Term birth of multiple newborns; Term birth of multiple newborns; Term pregnancy delivered; Term birth of newborn sextuplets; Term birth of stillborn twins; Term birth of identical twins, both stillborn; Term birth of newborn quadruplets; Term birth of fraternal twins, both stillborn; Term birth of newborn quintuplets; Term birth of fraternal twins, both living; Normal delivery but ante- or post- natal conditions present; Complete placenta at delivery; Normal delivery - occipitoanterior; Vaginal delivery; Umbilical cord not around baby's neck at delivery; Spontaneous vertex delivery; Delivery normal; Delivery normal; Delivery normal; Delivery normal;