ICD-10-CM Thickening References

"Thickening" Annotation Back-References in the ICD-10-CM Index to Diseases and Injuries

Browse the ICD-10-CM codes with references applicable to the clinical term "thickening"

  • Thickening
    • bone - See: Hypertrophy, bone;
    • breast - N64.59 Other signs and symptoms in breast
    • endometrium - R93.89 Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other specified body structures
    • epidermal - L85.9 Epidermal thickening, unspecified
      • specified NEC - L85.8 Other specified epidermal thickening
    • hymen - N89.6 Tight hymenal ring
    • larynx - J38.7 Other diseases of larynx
    • nail - L60.2 Onychogryphosis
      • congenital - Q84.5 Enlarged and hypertrophic nails
    • periosteal - See: Hypertrophy, bone;
    • pleura - J92.9 Pleural plaque without asbestos
      • with asbestos - J92.0 Pleural plaque with presence of asbestos
    • skin - R23.4 Changes in skin texture
    • subepiglottic - J38.7 Other diseases of larynx
    • tongue - K14.8 Other diseases of tongue
    • valve, heart - See: Endocarditis;

Applicable Clinical Terms Definitions

Bone and Bones: A specialized CONNECTIVE TISSUE that is the main constituent of the SKELETON. The principal cellular component of bone is comprised of OSTEOBLASTS; OSTEOCYTES; and OSTEOCLASTS, while FIBRILLAR COLLAGENS and hydroxyapatite crystals form the BONE MATRIX.

Breast: In humans, one of the paired regions in the anterior portion of the THORAX. The breasts consist of the MAMMARY GLANDS, the SKIN, the MUSCLES, the ADIPOSE TISSUE, and the CONNECTIVE TISSUES.

Endometrium: The mucous membrane lining of the uterine cavity that is hormonally responsive during the MENSTRUAL CYCLE and PREGNANCY. The endometrium undergoes cyclic changes that characterize MENSTRUATION. After successful FERTILIZATION, it serves to sustain the developing embryo.

Hymen: A thin fold of MUCOUS MEMBRANE situated at the orifice of the vagina.

Larynx: A tubular organ of VOICE production. It is located in the anterior neck, superior to the TRACHEA and inferior to the tongue and HYOID BONE.

Nails: The thin, horny plates that cover the dorsal surfaces of the distal phalanges of the fingers and toes of primates.

Pleura: The thin serous membrane enveloping the lungs (LUNG) and lining the THORACIC CAVITY. Pleura consist of two layers, the inner visceral pleura lying next to the pulmonary parenchyma and the outer parietal pleura. Between the two layers is the PLEURAL CAVITY which contains a thin film of liquid.

Skin: The outer covering of the body that protects it from the environment. It is composed of the DERMIS and the EPIDERMIS.

Tongue: A muscular organ in the mouth that is covered with pink tissue called mucosa, tiny bumps called papillae, and thousands of taste buds. The tongue is anchored to the mouth and is vital for chewing, swallowing, and for speech.