ICD-10-CM Opioid (s) References

"Opioid (s)" Annotation Back-References in the ICD-10-CM Index to Diseases and Injuries

Browse the ICD-10-CM codes with references applicable to the clinical term "opioid (s)"

  • Opioid (s)
    • abuse - See: Abuse, drug, opioids;
    • dependence - See: Dependence, drug, opioids;
    • induced, without use disorder
      • anxiety disorder - F11.988 Opioid use, unspecified with other opioid-induced disorder
      • delirium - F11.921 Opioid use, unspecified with intoxication delirium
      • depressive disorder - F11.94 Opioid use, unspecified with opioid-induced mood disorder
      • sexual dysfunction - F11.981 Opioid use, unspecified with opioid-induced sexual dysfunction
      • sleep disorder - F11.982 Opioid use, unspecified with opioid-induced sleep disorder