ICD-10-CM Mononeuritis References

"Mononeuritis" Annotation Back-References in the ICD-10-CM Index to Diseases and Injuries

Browse the ICD-10-CM codes with references applicable to the clinical term "mononeuritis"

  • Mononeuritis - G58.9 Mononeuropathy, unspecified
    • cranial nerve - See: Disorder, nerve, cranial;
    • femoral nerve - G57.2 Lesion of femoral nerve
    • lateral
      • cutaneous nerve of thigh - G57.1 Meralgia paresthetica
      • popliteal nerve - G57.3 Lesion of lateral popliteal nerve
    • lower limb - G57.9 Unspecified mononeuropathy of lower limb
      • specified nerve NEC - G57.8 Other specified mononeuropathies of lower limb
    • medial popliteal nerve - G57.4 Lesion of medial popliteal nerve
    • median nerve - G56.1 Other lesions of median nerve
    • multiplex - G58.7 Mononeuritis multiplex
    • plantar nerve - G57.6 Lesion of plantar nerve
    • posterior tibial nerve - G57.5 Tarsal tunnel syndrome
    • radial nerve - G56.3 Lesion of radial nerve
    • sciatic nerve - G57.0 Lesion of sciatic nerve
    • specified NEC - G58.8 Other specified mononeuropathies
    • tibial nerve - G57.4 Lesion of medial popliteal nerve
    • ulnar nerve - G56.2 Lesion of ulnar nerve
    • upper limb - G56.9 Unspecified mononeuropathy of upper limb
      • specified nerve NEC - G56.8 Other specified mononeuropathies of upper limb
    • vestibular

Applicable Clinical Terms Definitions

Cranial Nerves: Twelve pairs of nerves that carry general afferent, visceral afferent, special afferent, somatic efferent, and autonomic efferent fibers.

Femoral Nerve: A nerve originating in the lumbar spinal cord (usually L2 to L4) and traveling through the lumbar plexus to provide motor innervation to extensors of the thigh and sensory innervation to parts of the thigh, lower leg, and foot, and to the hip and knee joints.

Lower Extremity: The region of the lower limb in animals, extending from the gluteal region to the FOOT, and including the BUTTOCKS; HIP; and LEG.

Median Nerve: A major nerve of the upper extremity. In humans, the fibers of the median nerve originate in the lower cervical and upper thoracic spinal cord (usually C6 to T1), travel via the brachial plexus, and supply sensory and motor innervation to parts of the forearm and hand.

Radial Nerve: A major nerve of the upper extremity. In humans the fibers of the radial nerve originate in the lower cervical and upper thoracic spinal cord (usually C5 to T1), travel via the posterior cord of the brachial plexus, and supply motor innervation to extensor muscles of the arm and cutaneous sensory fibers to extensor regions of the arm and hand.

Sciatic Nerve: A nerve which originates in the lumbar and sacral spinal cord (L4 to S3) and supplies motor and sensory innervation to the lower extremity. The sciatic nerve, which is the main continuation of the sacral plexus, is the largest nerve in the body. It has two major branches, the TIBIAL NERVE and the PERONEAL NERVE.

Tibial Nerve: The medial terminal branch of the sciatic nerve. The tibial nerve fibers originate in lumbar and sacral spinal segments (L4 to S2). They supply motor and sensory innervation to parts of the calf and foot.

Ulnar Nerve: A major nerve of the upper extremity. In humans, the fibers of the ulnar nerve originate in the lower cervical and upper thoracic spinal cord (usually C7 to T1), travel via the medial cord of the brachial plexus, and supply sensory and motor innervation to parts of the hand and forearm.

Upper Extremity: The region of the upper limb in animals, extending from the deltoid region to the HAND, and including the ARM; AXILLA; and SHOULDER.