ICD-10-CM Impervious (congenital) References

"Impervious (congenital)" Annotation Back-References in the ICD-10-CM Index to Diseases and Injuries

Browse the ICD-10-CM codes with references applicable to the clinical term "impervious (congenital)"

  • Impervious (congenital) - See Also: Atresia;
    • anus - Q42.3 Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of anus without fistula
      • with fistula - Q42.2 Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of anus with fistula
    • bile duct - Q44.2 Atresia of bile ducts
    • esophagus - Q39.0 Atresia of esophagus without fistula
      • with tracheoesophageal fistula - Q39.1 Atresia of esophagus with tracheo-esophageal fistula
    • intestine (small) - Q41.9 Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of small intestine, part unspecified
      • large - Q42.9 Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of large intestine, part unspecified
        • specified NEC - Q42.8 Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of other parts of large intestine
    • rectum - Q42.1 Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of rectum without fistula
      • with fistula - Q42.0 Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of rectum with fistula
    • ureter - See: Atresia, ureter;
    • urethra - Q64.39 Other atresia and stenosis of urethra and bladder neck

Applicable Clinical Terms Definitions

Bile Ducts: The channels that collect and transport the bile secretion from the BILE CANALICULI, the smallest branch of the BILIARY TRACT in the LIVER, through the bile ductules, the bile ducts out the liver, and to the GALLBLADDER for storage.

Esophagus: The muscular membranous segment between the PHARYNX and the STOMACH in the UPPER GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT.

Rectum: The distal segment of the LARGE INTESTINE, between the SIGMOID COLON and the ANAL CANAL.

Ureter: One of a pair of thick-walled tubes that transports urine from the KIDNEY PELVIS to the URINARY BLADDER.

Urethra: A tube that transports URINE from the URINARY BLADDER to the outside of the body in both the sexes. It also has a reproductive function in the male by providing a passage for SPERM.