ICD-10-CM Catatonic References

"Catatonic" Annotation Back-References in the ICD-10-CM Index to Diseases and Injuries

Browse the ICD-10-CM codes with references applicable to the clinical term "catatonic"

  • Catatonic
    • disorder due to known physiologic condition - F06.1 Catatonic disorder due to known physiological condition
    • schizophrenia - F20.2 Catatonic schizophrenia
    • stupor - R40.1 Stupor

Applicable Clinical Terms Definitions

Schizophrenia: A severe emotional disorder of psychotic depth characteristically marked by a retreat from reality with delusion formation, HALLUCINATIONS, emotional disharmony, and regressive behavior.

Stupor: A state of reduced sensibility and response to stimuli which is distinguished from COMA in that the person can be aroused by vigorous and repeated stimulation. The person is still conscious and can make voluntary movements. It can be induced by CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM AGENTS. The word derives from Latin stupere and is related to stunned, stupid, dazed or LETHARGY.