ICD-10-PCS Section: 9 - Chiropractic


The seven characters in the chiropractic section have the following meaning:

  • Character 1 = Section
  • Character 2 = Anatomical Region
  • Character 3 = Root Operation
  • Character 4 = Body Region
  • Character 5 = Approach
  • Character 6 = Method
  • Character 7 = Qualifier

Chiropractic section procedure codes have a first character value of "9". The second character value for body system is anatomical regions. There is only one root operation in the chiropractic section.

  • Manipulation: Manual procedure that involves a directed thrust to move a joint past the physiological range of motion, without exceeding the anatomical limit

The fourth character specifies the body region on which the chiropractic manipulation is performed. The approach for chiropractic manipulation is always External. The sixth character is the method by which the manipulation is accomplished. The seventh character is not specified in the chiropractic section, and always has the value No Qualifier.

9W - Anatomical Regions

  • 9WB - Manipulation - Manual procedure that involves a directed thrust to move a joint past the physiological range of motion, without exceeding the anatomical limit