ICD-9 Search Results for: 006

ICD-9 CodeDescriptionCategory
006.0Acute amebic dysentery without mention of abscess006 Amebiasis
006.1Chronic intestinal amebiasis without mention of abscess006 Amebiasis
006.2Amebic nondysenteric colitis006 Amebiasis
006.3Amebic liver abscess006 Amebiasis
006.4Amebic lung abscess006 Amebiasis
006.5Amebic brain abscess006 Amebiasis
006.6Amebic skin ulceration006 Amebiasis
006.8Amebic infection of other sites006 Amebiasis
006.9Amebiasis, unspecified006 Amebiasis