ICD-10 Search Results for other-congenital-malformations-of-skin-q82

ICD-10-CM CodeDescriptionCategoryValid for Submission
Q82Other congenital malformations of skinNot Valid
Q82.8Other specified congenital malformations of skin
Congenital clinodactyly of finger; Congenital clinodactyly of little finger; Congenital skin contracture; Congenital anomaly of oral mucosa; Congenital anomaly of oral mucosa; Congenital retrognathism; Congenital extramedullary dermal hematopoiesis; Congenital corneal leukoma; Congenital clinodactyly; Congenital deficiency of pigment of skin; Congenital pigmentary skin anomalies; Extensive congenital erosions, vesicles and reticulate scarring; Congenital palmoplantar and perioral keratoderma of Olmsted; Congenital absence of skin on scalp; Congenital absence of skin on scalp with epidermal nevi; Congenital ectodermal defect; Congenital wooly hair; Congenital wooly hair; Congenital wooly hair; Congenital wooly hair; Malignant melanoma arising in congenital nevus; Congenital livedo reticularis; Congenital anomaly of sclera; Localized congenital cutis laxa; Congenital leukonychia; Congenital hypotrichia; Congenital oculocutaneous hypopigmentation; Congenital clubnail; Congenital keratoderma; Congenital keratoderma; Congenital keratoderma; Congenital dermal sinus; Autosomal recessive palmoplantar keratoderma and congenital alopecia syndrome; Autosomal dominant palmoplantar keratoderma and congenital alopecia; Absence of fingerprints with congenital milia syndrome; Congenital lethal erythroderma; Congenital atrophy of optic nerve; Hereditary congenital hypomelanotic and hypermelanotic cutaneous macules, growth retardation, intellectual disability syndrome; Congenital cutaneous angiomatosis; Congenital scar; Isolated congenital adermatoglyphia; Congenital erosive and vesicular dermatosis; Congenital accessory skin tag; Congenital melanosis; Congenital clinodactyly of finger; Congenital clinodactyly of little finger; Congenital anomaly of oral mucosa; Congenital anomaly of oral mucosa; Cyanosis of skin and/or skin-associated mucous membrane; Lipoma of brain; Congenital deficiency of pigment of skin; Melanin pigmentation of oral mucosa; Multiple benign annular creases of extremities; Reticulate pigmented anomaly of flexures; Erythrokeratoderma progressiva of Gottron; Progressive palmoplantar keratoderma of Greither; Epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma of Vorner; Congenital palmoplantar and perioral keratoderma of Olmsted; Papuloverrucous palmoplantar keratoderma of Jakac-Wolf; Symmetrical dyschromatosis of extremities; Hairy malformation of palms and soles; Congenital absence of skin on scalp; Congenital absence of skin on scalp with epidermal nevi; Hypoplasia of thumb; Inherited disorder of keratinization; Blue nevus of skin; Finding of palmar crease; Mass of palm; Dysplasia of larynx; Congenital anomaly of sclera; Diffuse palmoplantar keratoderma of Thost-Unna; Acrokeratosis verruciformis of Darier disease; Acrokeratosis verruciformis of Hopf; Connective tissue nevus of skin; Hereditary sclerosing poikiloderma of Weary; Palmoplantar hyperkeratosis-hyperpigmentation syndrome of Cantu; Cutis laxa secondary to inherited disorder of connective tissue; Clubbing of nail; Hyperplasia of gingiva; Cutis gyrata syndrome of Beare and Stevenson; Absence of fingerprints with congenital milia syndrome; Congenital atrophy of optic nerve; Melanosis of mucosa of body orifice; Dermatitis of the newborn; Craniofaciofrontodigital syndrome; Porokeratosis of Mibelli; Congenital skin contracture; Cyanosis of skin and/or skin-associated mucous membrane; Pigmentation defects, palmoplantar keratoderma, skin carcinoma syndrome; Dermatoglyphs - skin lines; Congenital deficiency of pigment of skin; Congenital pigmentary skin anomalies; Skin peeling disorder; Wrinkly skin syndrome; Congenital absence of skin on scalp; Congenital absence of skin on scalp with epidermal nevi; Skin punctum; Blue nevus of skin; Connective tissue nevus of skin; Acral peeling skin syndrome; Microphthalmia with linear skin defect syndrome; Hereditary skin peeling syndrome; Facial dysmorphism, cleft palate, loose skin syndrome; Skin fragility, wooly hair, palmoplantar keratoderma syndrome; Hereditary sensorimotor neuropathy with hyperelastic skin; Congenital accessory skin tag;