Other disorders of gingiva and edentulous alveolar ridge (K06)

Browse all the diagnosis codes used for other disorders of gingiva and edentulous alveolar ridge (k06). For easy navigation, the diagnosis codes are sorted in alphabetical order and grouped by sections. Each section is clearly marked with its description, and the corresponding three-digit code range. This format makes it simple to browse diagnosis codes in this chapter or section and find what you're looking for. We've also added green checkmark icons to label billable codes, and red warning icons for non-billable ones. This makes it easy to identify which codes can be billed.

Clinical Information

Alveolar Bone Loss - Resorption or wasting of the tooth-supporting bone (ALVEOLAR PROCESS) in the MAXILLA or MANDIBLE.

Gingival Recession - Exposure of the root surface when the edge of the gum (GINGIVA) moves apically away from the crown of the tooth. This is common with advancing age, vigorous tooth brushing, diseases, or tissue loss of the gingiva, the PERIODONTAL LIGAMENT and the supporting bone (ALVEOLAR PROCESS).

Instructional Notations

Type 2 Excludes

A type 2 excludes note represents "Not included here". An excludes2 note indicates that the condition excluded is not part of the condition represented by the code, but a patient may have both conditions at the same time. When an Excludes2 note appears under a code, it is acceptable to use both the code and the excluded code together, when appropriate.

  • acute gingivitis K05.0
  • atrophy of edentulous alveolar ridge K08.2
  • chronic gingivitis K05.1
  • gingivitis NOS K05.1