ICD-10 Diseases and Injuries Lookup

ICD-10 Diseases and Injuries search results for term Asphyxia, traumatic

Term TitleICD-CM-10 CodesTerm Notes
Bedclothes, asphyxiation or suffocation bySee: Asphyxia, traumatic, due to, mechanical, trapped;
Hanging (asphyxia) (strangulation) (suffocation)See: Asphyxia, traumatic, due to mechanical threat;
Overlaid, overlying (suffocation)See: Asphyxia, traumatic, due to mechanical threat;
Effect Adverse »
See: Asphyxia, traumatic;
Strangulation, strangulatedSee Also: Asphyxia, traumatic;
Cave In Injury »
See: Asphyxia, traumatic, due to low oxygen, due to cave-in;
SuffocationSee: Asphyxia, traumatic;
Anoxia Pathological »
systemic (by suffocation) (low content in atmosphere)
See: Asphyxia, traumatic;