2024 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code C25.9

Malignant neoplasm of pancreas, unspecified

ICD-10-CM Code:
ICD-10 Code for:
Malignant neoplasm of pancreas, unspecified
Is Billable?
Yes - Valid for Submission
Chronic Condition Indicator: [1]
Code Navigator:

Code Classification

  • Neoplasms
    • Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs
      • Malignant neoplasm of pancreas

C25.9 is a billable diagnosis code used to specify a medical diagnosis of malignant neoplasm of pancreas, unspecified. The code is valid during the current fiscal year for the submission of HIPAA-covered transactions from October 01, 2023 through September 30, 2024.

The following anatomical sites found in the Table of Neoplasms reference this diagnosis code given the correct histological behavior: Neoplasm, neoplastic pancreas .

Unspecified diagnosis codes like C25.9 are acceptable when clinical information is unknown or not available about a particular condition. Although a more specific code is preferable, unspecified codes should be used when such codes most accurately reflect what is known about a patient's condition. Specific diagnosis codes should not be used if not supported by the patient's medical record.

Approximate Synonyms

The following clinical terms are approximate synonyms or lay terms that might be used to identify the correct diagnosis code:

  • Acinar cell carcinoma of pancreas
  • Adenocarcinoma of pancreas
  • Adenocarcinoma of pancreas with NRG1 fusion
  • Carcinoma of pancreas
  • Cystadenocarcinoma of pancreas
  • Familial malignant neoplasm of pancreas
  • Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of pancreas
  • Invasive intraductal papillary-mucinous carcinoma of pancreas
  • Local recurrence of malignant tumor of pancreas
  • Malignant tumor of pancreas
  • Mixed neuroendocrine-non neuroendocrine neoplasm of pancreas
  • Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of pancreas
  • Mucinous cystic neoplasm with invasive carcinoma of pancreas
  • Pancreatoblastoma
  • Primary adenocarcinoma of pancreas
  • Primary carcinoma of pancreas
  • Primary cystadenocarcinoma of pancreas
  • Primary malignant neoplasm of pancreas
  • Primary mucinous cystic neoplasm with invasive carcinoma of pancreas
  • Primary solid pseudopapillary neoplasm of pancreas
  • Serous cystadenocarcinoma of pancreas
  • Solid pseudopapillary carcinoma of pancreas
  • Squamous cell carcinoma of exocrine pancreas
  • Tumor invades beyond pancreatic capsule to adjacent large vessels
  • Tumor invades beyond pancreatic capsule to adjacent structures AND/OR organs
  • Tumor invades beyond pancreatic capsule to adjacent structures AND/OR organs
  • Tumor invades beyond pancreatic capsule to adjacent structures AND/OR organs
  • Tumor invades beyond pancreatic capsule to adjacent structures AND/OR organs
  • Tumor invades beyond pancreatic capsule to adjacent structures AND/OR organs
  • Tumor invades beyond pancreatic capsule to adjacent structures AND/OR organs
  • Tumor invades beyond pancreatic capsule to adjacent structures AND/OR organs
  • Tumor invades beyond pancreatic capsule to bile duct
  • Tumor invades beyond pancreatic capsule to colon
  • Tumor invades beyond pancreatic capsule to duodenum
  • Tumor invades beyond pancreatic capsule to spleen
  • Tumor invades beyond pancreatic capsule to stomach
  • Tumor invades beyond pancreatic capsule, but does not invade adjacent structures AND/OR organs

Clinical Classification

Clinical Information

  • Carcinoma, Pancreatic Ductal

    carcinoma that arises from the pancreatic ducts. it accounts for the majority of cancers derived from the pancreas.
  • Cystic Fibrosis

    an autosomal recessive genetic disease of the exocrine glands. it is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator expressed in several organs including the lung, the pancreas, the biliary system, and the sweat glands. cystic fibrosis is characterized by epithelial secretory dysfunction associated with ductal obstruction resulting in airway obstruction; chronic respiratory infections; pancreatic insufficiency; maldigestion; salt depletion; and heat prostration.
  • Insulin Infusion Systems

    portable or implantable devices for infusion of insulin. includes open-loop systems which may be patient-operated or controlled by a pre-set program and are designed for constant delivery of small quantities of insulin, increased during food ingestion, and closed-loop systems which deliver quantities of insulin automatically based on an electronic glucose sensor.
  • Islets of Langerhans

    irregular microscopic structures consisting of cords of endocrine cells that are scattered throughout the pancreas among the exocrine acini. each islet is surrounded by connective tissue fibers and penetrated by a network of capillaries. there are four major cell types. the most abundant beta cells (50-80%) secrete insulin. alpha cells (5-20%) secrete glucagon. pp cells (10-35%) secrete pancreatic polypeptide. delta cells (~5%) secrete somatostatin.
  • Nesidioblastosis

    an inherited autosomal recessive syndrome characterized by the disorganized formation of new islets in the pancreas and congenital hyperinsulinism. it is due to focal hyperplasia of pancreatic islet cells budding off from the ductal structures and forming new islets of langerhans. mutations in the islet cells involve the potassium channel gene kcnj11 or the atp-binding cassette transporter gene abcc8, both on chromosome 11.
  • Pancreas

    a nodular organ in the abdomen that contains a mixture of endocrine glands and exocrine glands. the small endocrine portion consists of the islets of langerhans secreting a number of hormones into the blood stream. the large exocrine portion (exocrine pancreas) is a compound acinar gland that secretes several digestive enzymes into the pancreatic ductal system that empties into the duodenum.
  • Pancreas Divisum

    anatomic variants in pancreatic ducts characterized by failure of fusion of the ventral and dorsal endodermal buds. pancreas divisum results in inadequate or no communication between dorsal and ventral ducts. while most cases are asymptomatic, it may be associated with recurrent pancreatitis.
  • Pancreas Transplantation

    the transference of a pancreas from one human or animal to another.
  • Pancreas, Artificial

    devices for simulating the activity of the pancreas. they can be either electromechanical, consisting of a glucose sensor, computer, and insulin pump or bioartificial, consisting of isolated islets of langerhans in an artificial membrane.
  • Pancreas, Exocrine

    the major component (about 80%) of the pancreas composed of acinar functional units of tubular and spherical cells. the acinar cells synthesize and secrete several digestive enzymes such as trypsinogen; lipase; amylase; and ribonuclease. secretion from the exocrine pancreas drains into the pancreatic ductal system and empties into the duodenum.
  • Pancreatic Neoplasms

    tumors or cancer of the pancreas. depending on the types of islet cells present in the tumors, various hormones can be secreted: glucagon from pancreatic alpha cells; insulin from pancreatic beta cells; and somatostatin from the somatostatin-secreting cells. most are malignant except the insulin-producing tumors (insulinoma).
  • Pancrelipase

    a preparation of hog pancreatic enzymes standardized for lipase content.
  • Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome

    an inherited syndrome characterized by exocrine pancreatic insufficiency; hematologic abnormalities (e.g., bone marrow hypoplasia), and skeletal abnormalities (e.g., metaphyseal chondroplasia). germline mutations in the sbds gene are associated with shwachman-diamond syndrome.
  • Childhood Pancreatoblastoma|Pediatric Pancreatoblastoma

    a pancreatoblastoma that occurs during childhood. it is the most common malignant pancreatic neoplasm in children younger than ten years of age.
  • Pancreatoblastoma

    a rare malignant epithelial neoplasm arising from the pancreas. the vast majority of cases occur during childhood. it is characterized by acinar differentiation, the formation of squamoid corpuscles, and the formation of stromal bands. patients may present with an abdominal mass. symptoms include pain, weight loss, and diarrhea. it may metastasize to lymph nodes, liver, and distant anatomic sites. children who do not have metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis usually have a favorable clinical outcome when treated with a combination of surgery and chemotherapy. however, children with metastatic disease at presentation or adult patients usually have a poor prognosis.

Index to Diseases and Injuries References

The following annotation back-references for this diagnosis code are found in the injuries and diseases index. The Index to Diseases and Injuries is an alphabetical listing of medical terms, with each term mapped to one or more ICD-10-CM code(s).

Convert C25.9 to ICD-9-CM

  • ICD-9-CM Code: 157.9 - Malig neo pancreas NOS

Table of Neoplasms

This code is referenced in the table of neoplasms by anatomical site. For each site there are six possible code numbers according to whether the neoplasm in question is malignant, benign, in situ, of uncertain behavior, or of unspecified nature. The description of the neoplasm will often indicate which of the six columns is appropriate.

Where such descriptors are not present, the remainder of the Index should be consulted where guidance is given to the appropriate column for each morphological (histological) variety listed. However, the guidance in the Index can be overridden if one of the descriptors mentioned above is present.

Neoplasm, neoplastic Malignant
CaInSitu Benign Uncertain
»Neoplasm, neoplastic

Patient Education

Pancreatic Cancer

The pancreas is a gland behind your stomach and in front of your spine. It produces the juices that help break down food and the hormones that help control blood sugar levels. Pancreatic cancer usually begins in the cells that produce the juices. Some risk factors for developing pancreatic cancer include:

  • Smoking
  • Long-term diabetes
  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • Certain hereditary disorders

Pancreatic cancer is hard to catch early. It doesn't cause symptoms right away. When you do get symptoms, they are often vague or you may not notice them. They include yellowing of the skin and eyes, pain in the abdomen and back, weight loss and fatigue. Also, because the pancreas is hidden behind other organs, health care providers cannot see or feel the tumors during routine exams. Doctors use a physical exam, blood tests, imaging tests, and a biopsy to diagnose it.

Because it is often found late and it spreads quickly, pancreatic cancer can be hard to treat. Possible treatments include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy. Targeted therapy uses drugs or other substances that attack specific cancer cells with less harm to normal cells.

NIH: National Cancer Institute

[Learn More in MedlinePlus]

Pancreatic Cancer-Patient Version

Learn about pancreatic cancer risk factors, symptoms, tests to diagnose, factors affecting prognosis, staging, and treatment.
[Learn More in MedlinePlus]

Pancreatic Cancer Summary

Learn about pancreatic cancer risk factors, symptoms, tests to diagnose, factors affecting prognosis, staging, and treatment.
[Learn More in MedlinePlus]

Code History

  • FY 2024 - No Change, effective from 10/1/2023 through 9/30/2024
  • FY 2023 - No Change, effective from 10/1/2022 through 9/30/2023
  • FY 2022 - No Change, effective from 10/1/2021 through 9/30/2022
  • FY 2021 - No Change, effective from 10/1/2020 through 9/30/2021
  • FY 2020 - No Change, effective from 10/1/2019 through 9/30/2020
  • FY 2019 - No Change, effective from 10/1/2018 through 9/30/2019
  • FY 2018 - No Change, effective from 10/1/2017 through 9/30/2018
  • FY 2017 - No Change, effective from 10/1/2016 through 9/30/2017
  • FY 2016 - New Code, effective from 10/1/2015 through 9/30/2016. This was the first year ICD-10-CM was implemented into the HIPAA code set.


[1] Chronic - a chronic condition code indicates a condition lasting 12 months or longer and its effect on the patient based on one or both of the following criteria:

  • The condition results in the need for ongoing intervention with medical products,treatment, services, and special equipment
  • The condition places limitations on self-care, independent living, and social interactions.