Mumps (B26)

Browse all the diagnosis codes used for mumps (b26). For easy navigation, the diagnosis codes are sorted in alphabetical order and grouped by sections. Each section is clearly marked with its description, and the corresponding three-digit code range. This format makes it simple to browse diagnosis codes in this chapter or section and find what you're looking for. We've also added green checkmark icons to label billable codes, and red warning icons for non-billable ones. This makes it easy to identify which codes can be billed.

Clinical Information

Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine - A combined vaccine used to prevent MEASLES; MUMPS; and RUBELLA.

Mumps - An acute infectious disease caused by RUBULAVIRUS, spread by direct contact, airborne droplet nuclei, fomites contaminated by infectious saliva, and perhaps urine, and usually seen in children under the age of 15, although adults may also be affected. (From Dorland, 28th ed)

Mumps Vaccine - Vaccines used to prevent infection by MUMPS VIRUS. Best known is the live attenuated virus vaccine of chick embryo origin, used for routine immunization of children and for immunization of adolescents and adults who have not had mumps or been immunized with live mumps vaccine. Children are usually immunized with measles-mumps-rubella combination vaccine.

Mumps virus - The type species of RUBULAVIRUS that causes an acute infectious disease in humans, affecting mainly children. Transmission occurs by droplet infection.


Rubulavirus - A genus of the family PARAMYXOVIRIDAE (subfamily PARAMYXOVIRINAE) where all the species have hemagglutinin and neuraminidase activities but lack a C protein. MUMPS VIRUS is the type species.

Viral Fusion Proteins - Proteins, usually glycoproteins, found in the viral envelopes of a variety of viruses. They promote cell membrane fusion and thereby may function in the uptake of the virus by cells.

Instructional Notations


This note appears immediately under a three character code title to further define, or give examples of, the content of the category.

  • epidemic parotitis
  • infectious parotitis