2024 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code D26.7

Other benign neoplasm of other parts of uterus

ICD-10-CM Code:
ICD-10 Code for:
Other benign neoplasm of other parts of uterus
Is Billable?
Yes - Valid for Submission
Chronic Condition Indicator: [1]
Not chronic
Code Navigator:

Code Classification

  • Neoplasms
    • Benign neoplasms, except benign neuroendocrine tumors
      • Other benign neoplasms of uterus

D26.7 is a billable diagnosis code used to specify a medical diagnosis of other benign neoplasm of other parts of uterus. The code is valid during the current fiscal year for the submission of HIPAA-covered transactions from October 01, 2023 through September 30, 2024.

This code is applicable to female patients only. It is clinically and virtually impossible to use this code on a non-female patient.

The following anatomical sites found in the Table of Neoplasms reference this diagnosis code given the correct histological behavior: Neoplasm, neoplastic fetal membrane or Neoplasm, neoplastic placenta .

Approximate Synonyms

The following clinical terms are approximate synonyms or lay terms that might be used to identify the correct diagnosis code:

  • Benign neoplasm of placenta
  • Chorioangioma
  • Neoplasm of placenta

Clinical Classification

Clinical Information

  • Abruptio Placentae

    premature separation of the normally implanted placenta from the uterus. signs of varying degree of severity include uterine bleeding, uterine muscle hypertonia, and fetal distress or fetal death.
  • Annexin A3

    a protein of the annexin family that catalyzes the conversion of 1-d-inositol 1,2-cyclic phosphate and water to 1-d-myo-inositol 1-phosphate.
  • Annexin A4

    protein of the annexin family originally isolated from the electric organ of the electric ray torpedo marmorata. it has been found in a wide range of mammalian tissue where it is localized to the apical membrane of polarized epithelial cells.
  • Annexin A5

    a protein of the annexin family isolated from human placenta and other tissues. it inhibits cytosolic phospholipase a2, and displays anticoagulant activity.
  • Cadherins

    calcium-dependent cell adhesion proteins. they are important in the formation of adherens junctions between cells. cadherins are classified by their distinct immunological and tissue specificities, either by letters (e- for epithelial, n- for neural, and p- for placental cadherins) or by numbers (cadherin-12 or n-cadherin 2 for brain-cadherin). cadherins promote cell adhesion via a homophilic mechanism as in the construction of tissues and of the whole animal body.
  • Chorionic Villi

    threadlike vascular projections of the chorion. chorionic villi may be free or embedded within the decidua forming the site for exchange of substances between fetal and maternal blood (placenta).
  • Cord Blood Stem Cell Transplantation

    transplantation of stem cells collected from the fetal blood remaining in the umbilical cord and the placenta after delivery. included are the hematopoietic stem cells.
  • Eutheria

    mammals which nourish their young in utero by means of a complex placenta, and give birth to their young alive. they include primates; carnivora, whales; ruminants; bats; and rodents.
  • Folate Receptor 2

    a subtype of gpi-anchored folate receptors that is expressed in placenta and hematopoietic cells.
  • Ichthyosis, X-Linked

    chronic form of ichthyosis that is inherited as a sex-linked recessive trait carried on the x-chromosome and transmitted to the male offspring. it is characterized by severe scaling, especially on the extremities, and is associated with steroid sulfatase deficiency.
  • Perilipin-3

    a perilipin that localizes to lipid droplets; cytoplasm; endosomes; and plasma membrane, especially in macrophages. it functions as a transporter of free fatty acids to lipid droplets to promote their biogenesis and growth. it is also required for the transport of the mannose-6-phosphate receptor from endosomes to the trans-golgi network. its structure consists of four helix bundles that interact with the hydrophobic lipid droplet surface.
  • Placenta

    a highly vascularized mammalian fetal-maternal organ and major site of transport of oxygen, nutrients, and fetal waste products. it includes a fetal portion (chorionic villi) derived from trophoblasts and a maternal portion (decidua) derived from the uterine endometrium. the placenta produces an array of steroid, protein and peptide hormones (placental hormones).
  • Placenta Accreta

    abnormal placentation in which all or parts of the placenta are attached directly to the myometrium due to a complete or partial absence of decidua. it is associated with postpartum hemorrhage because of the failure of placental separation.
  • Placenta Diseases

    pathological processes or abnormal functions of the placenta.
  • Placenta Growth Factor

    an angiogenic protein belonging to the vascular endothelial growth factor family of growth factors originally isolated and cloned from human placental cdna library. there are four isoforms of plgf 1-4 which result from alternative splicing. placenta growth factor is secreted as a glycosylated homodimer which acts as a mitogen for endothelial cells, and its expression is markedly upregulated during hypoxia and in tissue inflammation and cancer.
  • Placenta Previa

    abnormal placentation in which the placenta implants in the lower segment of the uterus (the zone of dilation) and may cover part or all of the opening of the cervix. it is often associated with serious antepartum bleeding and premature labor.
  • Placenta, Retained

    a placenta that fails to be expelled after birth of the fetus. a placenta is retained when the uterus fails to contract after the delivery of its content, or when the placenta is abnormally attached to the myometrium.
  • Placental Circulation

    the circulation of blood, of both the mother and the fetus, through the placenta.
  • Placental Extracts

    extracts prepared from placental tissue; they may contain specific but uncharacterized factors or proteins with specific activities.
  • Placental Function Tests

    methods used for the assessment of placental function.
  • Placental Hormones

    hormones produced by the placenta include chorionic gonadotropin, and placental lactogen as well as steroids (estrogens; progesterone), and neuropeptide hormones similar to those found in the hypothalamus (hypothalamic hormones).
  • Placental Insufficiency

    failure of the placenta to deliver an adequate supply of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.
  • Placental Lactogen

    a polypeptide hormone of approximately 25 kda that is produced by the syncytiotrophoblasts of the placenta, also known as chorionic somatomammotropin. it has both growth hormone and prolactin activities on growth, lactation, and luteal steroid production. in women, placental lactogen secretion begins soon after implantation and increases to 1 g or more a day in late pregnancy. placental lactogen is also an insulin antagonist.
  • Placentation

    the development of the placenta, a highly vascularized mammalian fetal-maternal organ and major site of transport of oxygen, nutrients, and fetal waste products between mother and fetus. the process begins at fertilization, through the development of cytotrophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblasts, the formation of chorionic villi, to the progressive increase in blood vessels to support the growing fetus.
  • Plasminogen Inactivators

    important modulators of the activity of plasminogen activators. the inhibitors belong to the serpin family of proteins and inhibit both the tissue-type and urokinase-type plasminogen activators.
  • Pregnancy Proteins

    proteins produced by organs of the mother or the placenta during pregnancy. these proteins may be pregnancy-specific (present only during pregnancy) or pregnancy-associated (present during pregnancy or under other conditions such as hormone therapy or certain malignancies.)
  • Pregnancy Trimester, First

    the beginning third of a human pregnancy, from the first day of the last normal menstrual period (menstruation) through the completion of 14 weeks (98 days) of gestation.
  • S100 Calcium-Binding Protein A4

    an s100 protein characterized by four helix bundles that form n- and c-terminal ef hand motifs. it functions as a homodimer and interacts with both intracellular and extracellular signaling proteins. aberrant s100a4 activity is associated with neoplasm metastasis; fibrosis; and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Trophoblastic Tumor, Placental Site

    an uncommon variant of choriocarcinoma. it is composed almost entirely of mononuclear cytotrophoblasts (trophoblasts). because its secretion of hcg (chorionic gonadotropin) is low, a large tumor may develop before the hcg can be detected.
  • Umbilical Cord Clamping

    method of placing clamps on the umbilical cord before cutting after birth.

Index to Diseases and Injuries References

The following annotation back-references for this diagnosis code are found in the injuries and diseases index. The Index to Diseases and Injuries is an alphabetical listing of medical terms, with each term mapped to one or more ICD-10-CM code(s).

Code Edits

The Medicare Code Editor (MCE) detects and reports errors in the coding of claims data. The following ICD-10-CM Code Edits are applicable to this code:

  • Diagnoses for females only - The Medicare Code Editor detects inconsistencies between a patient’s sex and any diagnosis on the patient’s record, these edits apply to FEMALES only .

Convert D26.7 to ICD-9-CM

  • ICD-9-CM Code: 219.8 - Benign neo uterus NEC

Table of Neoplasms

This code is referenced in the table of neoplasms by anatomical site. For each site there are six possible code numbers according to whether the neoplasm in question is malignant, benign, in situ, of uncertain behavior, or of unspecified nature. The description of the neoplasm will often indicate which of the six columns is appropriate.

Where such descriptors are not present, the remainder of the Index should be consulted where guidance is given to the appropriate column for each morphological (histological) variety listed. However, the guidance in the Index can be overridden if one of the descriptors mentioned above is present.

Neoplasm, neoplastic Malignant
CaInSitu Benign Uncertain
»Neoplasm, neoplastic
  »fetal membrane
»Neoplasm, neoplastic

Patient Education

Benign Tumors

Tumors are abnormal growths in your body. They can be either benign or malignant. Benign tumors aren't cancer. Malignant ones are. Benign tumors grow only in one place. They cannot spread or invade other parts of your body. Even so, they can be dangerous if they press on vital organs, such as your brain.

Tumors are made up of extra cells. Normally, cells grow and divide to form new cells as your body needs them. When cells grow old, they die, and new cells take their place. Sometimes, this process goes wrong. New cells form when your body does not need them, and old cells do not die when they should. These extra cells can divide without stopping and may form tumor.

Treatment often involves surgery. Benign tumors usually don't grow back.

NIH: National Cancer Institute

[Learn More in MedlinePlus]

Uterine Diseases

The uterus, or womb, is the place where a baby grows when a woman is pregnant. The first sign of a problem with the uterus may be bleeding between periods or after sex. Causes can include hormones, thyroid problems, fibroids, polyps, cancer, infection, or pregnancy.

Treatment depends on the cause. Sometimes birth control pills treat hormonal imbalances. If a thyroid problem is the cause, treating it may also stop the bleeding. If you have cancer or hyperplasia, an overgrowth of normal cells in the uterus, you may need surgery.

With two other uterine problems, tissue that normally lines the uterus grows where it is not supposed to. In endometriosis, it grows outside the uterus. In adenomyosis, it grows in the uterus's outside walls. Pain medicine may help. Other treatments include hormones and surgery.

[Learn More in MedlinePlus]

Code History

  • FY 2024 - No Change, effective from 10/1/2023 through 9/30/2024
  • FY 2023 - No Change, effective from 10/1/2022 through 9/30/2023
  • FY 2022 - No Change, effective from 10/1/2021 through 9/30/2022
  • FY 2021 - No Change, effective from 10/1/2020 through 9/30/2021
  • FY 2020 - No Change, effective from 10/1/2019 through 9/30/2020
  • FY 2019 - No Change, effective from 10/1/2018 through 9/30/2019
  • FY 2018 - No Change, effective from 10/1/2017 through 9/30/2018
  • FY 2017 - No Change, effective from 10/1/2016 through 9/30/2017
  • FY 2016 - New Code, effective from 10/1/2015 through 9/30/2016. This was the first year ICD-10-CM was implemented into the HIPAA code set.


[1] Not chronic - A diagnosis code that does not fit the criteria for chronic condition (duration, ongoing medical treatment, and limitations) is considered not chronic. Some codes designated as not chronic are acute conditions. Other diagnosis codes that indicate a possible chronic condition, but for which the duration of the illness is not specified in the code description (i.e., we do not know the condition has lasted 12 months or longer) also are considered not chronic.